Thursday, June 05, 2003

Celebrating after a 200g Gain :)

I am motivated more than ever to lose this weight but even more than that ... to be slim!! There is a difference between the words "lose weight" and "be slim". Something I relearnt tonight...
I just got home from my weight watchers meeting where it was realised that I had a 200g Gain! AND I'M CELEBRATING!!!
Yes you read right ... I had a 200g gain this week!! At first I was devestated and felt really undeserving of such a gain, but after talking to my leader and showing her my tracker (of which I did nothing wrong) and did increased exercise (36 bonus points earnt), she pointed out to me that it must be muscle (yeah, yeah we've heard it all before) but think of it this way ... (hence my celebration!!) Imagine how much muscle I would have to build up in one week to counterclaim the lost fat I had as well as 200g extra weight???? That's a huge amount of muscle!!! To confirm my leaders suspicians I went home to take my measurements and yes sure enough this is the evendence ...
In one week I have lost ...
1cm off my upper arm
1cm off my chest
0.5cm off my waist
1cm off my abdomen
1.5cm off my hips!!!
and 1cm off my thigh!!
All in one week I tell ya!!!! That's a huge amount (If I don't say so myself) and gotta be worth a celebration!!!
Too many times we get caught up in what those horrible scales say and don't look at what our bodies are actually doing. For those who dont take measurements ... you gotta do it!!! for times when the scales don't show your hard earned efforts!!!
Lyn :)
SW 107.4kg
CW 92.1kg
GW 65kg

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