Wednesday, May 14, 2003

success :)

Yipadoodlydoooooooo!!!!!! lol
1kg loss for me!!! (2.2lbs for you americanites) Fantastic feeling ... bringing me down to 92.6kg (203.7lb) I'm just 200g off my 15kg mark and given its TOM for me soon I am really happy with the result!
Bill got a $4500 payrise today and a $5500 bonus!! so a real double yay! Today has been sweet to me :) So there is no problems paying back the $3000 loan in the next two weeks now and it even gives us some money left over. So it's celebration night tonight. Almost bought a bottle of rum but decided against it at the last minute... then went in to buy a pulp fusion (icecream), but didnt have any in the shop so in a split second thought of buying a hi fat icecream like a white magnum (my pre ww favourite) which I havent had for 19wks now. But I was good and decided on seafood chow mein meaning I stayed in my points for the week.
A very successful day for me!!
Lyn :)
SW 107.4kg
CW 92.6kg
GW 65kg

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