Sunday, May 04, 2003

building muscle is only temporary ... duh!

Well Im a bit bummed. The entry I wrote yesterday isnt on here anymore ... Grrrrr!! And it was a long one too. Oh well in the big picture I guess it doesnt matter.
Just came home from a lunch with some friends. (their daughters first birthday) With the huge selection of food, I think I did quite well. Pointed it out as 8pts. But always a little hard to know when I havent cooked it myself. I even passed on dessert which is something I still find hard to do.
Had a few compliments on my 'flat' tummy from a lady I hadnt seen in awhile. (not that I think it is flat by any means but if thats what she thought I'm not going to disagree... lol)
Had one lady who snobbed me and at first I was taken back by it, but on the way home I realised she must be jealous about my weight loss as she too is trying to lose weight. I had to smile to myself as her act in itself is a compliment... she obviously thought I had lost weight to be jealous :)
Someone posted a comment on the ww forum that although is very obvious I had never thought of it before. (call me dumb lol)
"When you go to the gym and build muscle you may have a weight gain (this part I already knew) but this gain is only temparary until you have built up the muscle then the muscle will help burn more fat and so in the long run speed up your weightloss"
I always thought that when you started gym stuff, yes you would build muscle (and so slow down your weightloss) but I never thought of it as temporary. I thought that you would keep building muscle and so stop your weightloss altogether. This gives me hope that my gym work is a good thing. (I know it is good for my health, but always thought it would inhibit my scale readings even tho my measurements would go down, due to muscle being heavier than fat). Now I know (dah!!)
I tried really hard to do exercise yesterday. Got the kids dressed warmly, the pushchair out and started off for a long walk. About 5mins into it, my 5yr old son started crying from a sore foot, so we had to go back. Then I thought, okay Ill get out my exercise dvd, but the two oldest sat on the couch laughing at me. I sent them outside to play but they kept making excuses to come inside to snigger at me. In the end I gave up. Earnt 2 bonus points but not as much as I would have liked.
Wanted to walk to the lunch today but with Malachi's sore foot and the weather looking like rain, gave that a miss too. Every good intention but wasnt to be. I'm hoping I can get to the gym in the morning before Bill starts work.
I have bought a film to take some photos, so when Bill is home I may get the camera out. (hes only home in the dark at the moment and working 7days, so hope the flash works out fine)
I really hope I have a loss this week. I'm finding the extra point I have gone down is making it hard. Even tho the scales are not recording losses my measurements are still going down so Im guessing I must be building muscle. Still depressing tho. I hold too much emphasis on those scales. Something I have to work on.
Well that's it for me, till tommorrow!
Lyn :)
SW 107.4kg
CW 94.9kg
GW 65kg

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