Thursday, May 01, 2003

I get up, I walk, I fall down, I keep dancing

Well I had a very disapointing result at weigh in last night ... 100g gain. I really wasnt expecting it, so it hit me back quite hard. It's the first real gain I have had in 17wks on ww. (I almost had a gain about 6wks ago but went to the loo and it ended up a 300g loss
I know all the things to say about this tiny gain "its only 100g, youll make it up next week, probably that extra drink you had, 100g is nothing, look at the big picture at everything you have already accomplished" I know all the blurbs (I say them myself to others regularly) but it still hits the bottom of my gutt. Especially not knowing why I had a gain. Its not TOM, didnt binge, exercise has been good, no im not building up muscle.
I really dont know why, but I dont really need to know why, I just need to keep plodding on. I have kept the quote of the day on the front of my site for another week as it is appropriate for me at the moment "I get up. I walk. I fall down... meanwhile I keep dancing" Just have to keep that in my head.
Consequently have thrown myself back into the gym... tried a new class today "Body Combat" wahoooo!! 60mins of kickboxing to music... dont no body attack me now or I'll kick you right back lol!!
I had a really horrible day yesterday ... i mean really horrible. Doing tax for my business, couldnt print job as computer program went on the blink (kept doing illegal operations), couldnt foil job due out as I had run out of foil (silver paper I lay over paper to colour it) so I rang up the supplier to be told no they didnt have any in stock and they were no longer going to stock it. There was none in the whole country and according to them their supplier had stopped producing it! Its a big part to my business and I use the foiling process on 80% of my work. After that I went to weigh in for a gain, had people getting stroppy at me all night (as a weigher) for things that were out of my control, then came home and lost my wallet on the way!! I tell ya I havent had a day like that in a very long time... just as well or I would be crazy by now if i did ... lol
Im so glad to hear 'Heaven7' does the same as me in weighing her clothes. Infact I do almost exactly what she says she does on weigh in day (read readers comments yesterday)
On that note ... anyone who wants to leave a comment on my daily entry feel free to do so at the bottom. You dont have to be a deardiary member. And a big thankyou to all those that leave me comments, send me emails and comments in my guestbook!! It is so nice to know others are here along the journey with me!
Lyn :)
SW 107.4kg
CW 94.9kg
GW 65kg

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