Saturday, May 05, 2007

6000 maker shooter laser!!

Wannabe had a cute 'game' on her blog the other day where you put your name and the words 'needs to' into google and see what comes up. This is what came up for me ...

"Lynette needs a Knight of the Round Table (preferably Lancelot) to rescue her sister"

This one is weird because my sister is married to Lance of whom her pet name for him is Lancelot!

"Lynette needs a quick and easy 'glam' make over."

Hey I'm in for that!

"Lynette needs to have her balls removed so Tom can have them"

Gee thanks!!

"Lynette needs to get a grip on her vanity."

This one cracks me up! Especially for the fact that I had a lovely customer say to me yesterday "The weather's looking good" to which I said "yeah!!", then she blankly looked at me in stunned silence! It got to the awkward moment where no one was saying anything to which I asked to her what she said. She repeated "You're looking good" ... Ahhhh, I now understood why she was looking at me so shocked! She must have thought I was the vainest person out there!!! "yeah of course I look good!!!" LMAO!!

Jese (4yrs) gave me the cutest present last night ...

It's a (and I quote) "6000 maker shooter laser" ... he had it all worked out and explained to me in great detail how it works. He was very excited when I took a photo of it and told him I would show it to all my blogger friends.

This morning I woke up nice and early and thought I would take a morning walk along the beach to watch the sunrise. It took me a bit too long to get my act together and missed the actual sunrise but was beautiful time of day anyway. I took my pocket camera and snapped some pics for you to see.

Bill liked this last one. I wasn't sure how the camera would react to the sun being so bright and it chose to make the sun black, quite cool!

Today ... Malachi (9yrs) has his soccer game, then I'm working for 2hrs (hard life I know) and then out to friends for dinner. Need to plan this one as it's a takeaway/drinks night ... might make it chinese chop suey and take my baby bottle with me. I use an old baby bottle to measure out exact amount of alcohol and give myself an allowance for the night, rather than counting as I go.

Well I better go get Mal ready for his game.



Sienna said...

Hey Lynney!! Give your balls back to the cat! Sheesh!! lol. Do you worry you will sabatage all your efforts when you have 'take away night'? Do you do that once a week? My god, that would be so hard! I looked up red wine in my weight watchers book, and it's 2 points a glass! Not good! What do you drink? I think any liquior and softdrink would be even worse! I saw that Vodka cruisers are DEFINATELY out! It's ok to drink occassionally isn't it? I have a blinder coming up, and it's just before my bloody weigh in!! Any advice? By the way.. I LOVE your photos of the beach, simply beautiful (a bit like you!!)

Sienna said...

Hi, just me again. I am not doing either online or meetings, as I can't really afford either to be honest, I am still recovering after spending all my money on herbalife! It is just so expensive, and from what people say, it seems like a bit of a waste of money!

Jules said...

Wow, what absolutely cool banana photos. LMAO at Jese and your vain self!!

Chris H said...

Awesome photos Lyn, especially the one of the sun.. amazing shot. I am going to pretend I didn't see them actually, cos I am so envious of you living right near the beach... east coast that is , not the crappy west coast where we are closest to. Boo hooo.
Gold Coast beach here I come!

Chubbymum said...

Hey hun... I am sooo jealous you live next to the beach as well... because if I lived there I would be out there every day walking with you ho hum.

Love the searches for you name... sooo cool.

Love Chubbymum

pointing the weigh said...

Gorgeous pic!!

Oo I liked what you said yesterday about what you could eat because you were so hungry....teehee

Soo funny about the lady in the shop..heehee

Cute pressie off your son.

I also want to say, you are doing great and you are such a lovely lady.

Have a good eveing/day


Kathryn said...

beautiful pics :)

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Oh I just want to say i am so jealous that you have got a 6000 maker shooter laser.. I want me one of those... hahahahahaha
Imagine the fun I could have with that!!!
Baby bottle idea is a good one...;o)
Hope you enjoyed your night out!

Tania said...

Love the pictures and what a great idea about measuring the alcohol out! I'll have to remember that one, we're having a take away night here for Mother's Day with hubby's family next Saturday night. I think they're planning on pizza so I thought I might have 1 or 2 slices so I don't miss out and have a WW frozen meal - we gotta do whatever works don't we?