Sunday, May 06, 2007

Do you recognise this lady??

She's the wacky clean freak from 'How Clean is your House?' ... Carolyn Jones

A few years back I was sitting outside the shop having my break when this lady sidled up beside me, sat down and started talking. This outspoken lady was telling me about herself and I'm thinking "ok? do I know you?"

Two weeks later it was valentines day and Bill announced he had gotten me a present this year. Very out of character for him. I was so excited, trying to imagine what it could be. Jewellery? Roses? Chocolates? Nite out? who knows...

"I've gotten you a cleaner" A CLEANER??? WTF??? What sort of valentines present is that??? Don't I clean my house good enough? Aren't I a good enough wife for you?? The questions were endless!!

After 3hrs cleaning my house from top to bottom in preparation, the cleaner arrived. I wasn't going to have my house messy for a cleaner!!! And who should walk in but the lady who had sat next to me and claimed me as her friend. I really wasn't happy about the whole thing. She fluffed around the house making comments about how it must have been a while since we had a cleaner. I was getting madder by the second!!

Although our first couple of meetings were very standoffish (from my side anyway) over the next few months we got to know eachother bit by bit. This dear lady came sometimes up to 3 times a week to clean our house and she worked hard and I learned to relax and let her help. Our friendship grew and we had many a good night out together (her and her partner and Bill and I).

I remember one day she came to me and said she was applying for a job in Auckland. But that there were hundreds applying for the job so she thought it was probably a long shot. I didn't really take alot of notice, just wished her well. She came back a few weeks later excited that she had gotten past stage 1. "What actually is the job?" I asked. "A cleaning program" I didn't really understand the concept and the thought that she, my friend and weirdo lady who sat down and became my friend that day, could be a tv presenter ... yeah right!! Pffft! I still wished her well and hoped for her that she got the job (but deep down didn't hold out much hope)... a week later, next stage passed! And another ... until it was down to 4 people. Then she came to me one day excited "I got the job!". "What's the job again? What's the program about?" Came my questions. Over the next few months she was commuting a lot to Auckland and we didn't see alot of her with the busy schedule.

Then the night of the first episode ... Carolyn and her partner, Bill, myself and the kids sitting around the telly all excited! I've never laughed so hard watching her strut around in her feathered rubber gloves and leopard patterned broom.

The end of the first season ended and she came to me excited that a second season had been confirmed. She got herself an agent (to give her more negotiating power) and now the second season starts airing next Wednesday.

The takeaway/drinks night I mentioned yesterday was at Carolyn's and she made me laugh when she gave me a copy of the photo shoot they did for the show. I gave it back to her and said "well the least you can do is autograph it for me" lol, so she did. Ohhhh wonder how much that would fetch on trademe?? lmao!

She has since told me that day she sat down beside me, she was so lonely and depressed and saw me and thought I might make a good friend. Now look at her! I'm very proud of her and what she has done for herself.

I promised her I would do a plug for the show on my blog, letting everyone know it starts again this Wednesday.

And for those of you who are wondering?? No she doesn't clean my house anymore... she's far too busy cleaning infested bombsites on telly!!

Today ... Bill's gone off to Auckland this morning to pick up his brother who has just split up from his wife last week to bring him down for a days fishing. Then I'm taking Lauren down to Tauranga to get her keyboard she bought off Trademe with her pocket money. Then hopefully get time to get a walk in.

Ohhh and I did really well with dinner last night ... vege chop suey with a bit of rice (4pts) and my allotted baby bottle.

Remember ... TV one, Wednesday night 7.30pm!!


Sienna said...

I have seen the show, yet she is not the lady on our show here in Australia. Though the women on our show are brits... a blonde fat thing and another woman. I really enjoy the program, it's great! Watching people's filthy houses get cleaned up, and seeing the looks on their faces when they get a clean start. On Oprah on Friday, they did a show on clutter, and showed this one families house, where there was just so much 'stuff', it was like living at an opshop you couldn't move through the isles in! This guy went in there, and packed it all up, and got rid of a heap of stuff, and he said that 2 thirds of America acutally live like that!! Yes, you heard my right, 2 thirds!!!

Jaxx said...

I love her...... am glad it is back on but OMG how can people live like that even though it is exaggerated for TV still bad - Hey Lyn, I keep my weight low key as I just want it to be part of my life, not the be all and end all of my life like it used to be, that way if I gain I wont get disappointed and when I lose great... and also it is not controlling my life either like it used to.

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

How exciting Lyn... You know a TV star!! haha.. what a lovely story.. thank you for sharing. I havent seen that show (tasmanian here) but I know what sort of show you are talking about.. I love them.. makes me feel so good about my own home.. hahaha

Lee-Anne said...

Yep, I don't think I'd like her job. We watched the show a few times and was absolutely gobsmacked at how some people live. I can't believe they allow themselves to go on telly so everyone knows how dirty they are. I'd be too humiliated.

She is responsible for making me vacumn my under the cushions on my lounge suite every couple of weeks, but I'm sure she'd have a go at me if she saw the top of my fridge. I forget to wipe it sometimes. It's just that I'm so short I can't see what's on top, lol. The rest is clean tho.

Will watch tonight.

Kathryn said...

i saw an advert for this last night and thought of you :)