Monday, May 28, 2007

Watch out ... it's gonna blow!!!

I woke up this morning with the biggest-as mother f****er coldsore/pimple thing on the side of my nose. It is HIIUUUUUUGGE!!!! I noticed it a few days ago as just a tender spot and did well to leave it alone and not squeeze the heck out of it.

Then when I looked in the mirror this morning my eye's couldn't believe the sight!! It's affecting all my sinuses and making me feel kinda yucky. Infact don't know what's up with me today. I walked the boys to school (40min round trip) and it felt like I was dragging concrete blocks from my feet.

I'm not sick but feel like maybe I'm a bit run down, with this coldsore and psoriasis (which plays up when I get under pressure).

It's ok, I'll bounce back again. I'm downing the vitamin B & C to help. I wonder if it has anything to do with the weather. It was absolutely freezing this morning. Turned out to be a nice day now that the sun has come out. My eating has been blah, not bad as I'm making ok choices, but just in that 'picky' mood. I need to watch it closely as I tend to blow out on days I graze and don't eat proper meals.

For the first time in a very long time I didn't blow out over the weekend. My normal routine is to go over points (by 4 or 5 each day) and have to save them back over Mon, Tues & Wed. I managed not to do that this weekend so I guess that's something.

Sorry no amazing inspiration news today. But who knows what tomorrow will hold.


Christine said...

Sorry to hear about "your little friend" - but great to hear that you held it together for the weekend. I do find it the biggest struggle on the weekend as well. Take care of yourself and I hope you feel better soon.

Chris H said...

Ewww don't come near me! I hate pimples and the like, used to have "adult onset acne" a few years ago, had monsterous cyst-like pimples all the time... a horrible time I can assure you! Leave it alone if you can, otherwise wait till it's got a head and then just gently pop it, it will friggin hurt I bet! Poor you.

Chubbymum said...

Sounds like you are run down hun. Did you get some coldsore cream?

OHHHHHHH big hugs.

Re your comment on my blog OMG I wished that I had seen the Oprah show on the secret... how interesting that would have been.

Love ya

Jules said...

Babe, you do sound like you are a wee bit under the weather, just emotionally probably and it is manifesting as physical. Actually, I felt exactly the same today. Just woke feeling a bit puffy in the face and I think I must have had a bit of a snore-a-thon last night as I felt like I hadn't had quality sleep.

Imagine yourself healthy and full of energy and it will be.