Saturday, May 12, 2007

on the up

This little guy actually has nothing to do with my post today but couldn't resist putting him there :) He's so cuuuwte

I'm feeling a whole lot better today. Thankyou everyone for your encouragement. Jules ... I took your advice and went to the health shop across the road and got some stuff ... but couldn't face the thought of having anything called "Ferr Phos Biochemic Cell Salt" ... lol!! I'm sure it works fantastically but Biochemic Salt??? hmmm lol sorry couldn't do it!

Also ate mandarins like they were going out of fashion.

Something must have worked because I woke up this morning feeling quite good considering. I still wouldn't be able to run a marathon (and don't worry Jules I wouldn't be running one on a good day either, walking maybe?? :p ... juuuuust kidding) Ok so I must be feeling better if my sense of humour has returned.

I'm on call for ambo from 7am this morning till 7am Sunday morning, from home. Which means I can stay here but have to be in uniform and when the pager goes off I drop everything and go.

I'm going to my sister's for the day on Sunday as my mother's day treat. I'll spend the morning with the kids and then a kid free day, my sister and I. Don't get me wrong I love my kids to bits but don't get many days to myself where I'm not working. This is the sister that is pregnant with twins. She's 15wks and her bump is apparently exploding already. It's been 2mths since I last saw her so looking forward to that.

Ummm not too much else to report, food has been good. Can't do any exercise today with being on call, but that's ok.


Chubbymum said...

Kid free day sounds WONDERFUL!!!

Hope your kid free day goes well woohooo for you.

Love Chubbymum

Jules said...

Okay babe, bit of a naturopathic lesson here. Cell salts are biochemic because they naturally exist in every cell in our body. When you get certain symptoms those salts are low in the cells and by replacing them you heal REAL FAST! Ferr Phos stands for Ferrum Phosphate which is basically iron. Have seen Blair recover from the worst cold ever in a matter of hours with Ferr Phos. I'll get you into them one day. Maybe over a rum and coke.

Jaxx said...

Have a wonderful day tomorrow...


TitanThirteen said...

Hi :o)
I have a freind who's hubby is an ambo :o)
I like manderins, but only if they don't have pips. I can eat stacks of plums!
The kid free day sounds good. It's always nice to kick back and do nothing. The time'll go way to fast though!

Christine said...

Glad you are feeling better - and love the little smiley guy, it was a nice feel good addition. Take care.

Leighanne said...

Hope you are having a fab Mothers Day!!

Tania said...

Have a fantastic Mother's Day Lyn, and enjoy your kid free time.

Lee-Anne said...

Hope you had a great mothers day and a lovely day with your sister.

It's nice to have a break from the kids. Helps keep us sane aye.

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Glad you are feeling a little better...
And I dont think Jules would try and poison you... haha...
might be worth a try....