Thursday, May 17, 2007

One step further ...

Thankyou all for your encouragement! It really makes a huge difference. Once upon a time I would have done like you Jen and thrown my scales out the window. Infact I have broken 2 sets of scales in the past because I got mad and jumped on them, like a 2yr old throwing a tantrum!! lol

I knew when that gain showed up yesterday that I didn't deserve it, therefore I needed to be the bigger person and 'get over it'. Alot of you provided great info that I have taken on board. And wow 4kgs of poo ... that IS a lot of poo!! lol

My pounding of the pavements yesterday morning paid off with setting a personal record ... 11,000 steps achieved in one day!! and 8.23kms!!!

It really wasn't that long ago (back in February of this year) when I started weight watchers again that I struggled to get to the front of our section, both with my ankle and having to heave around my lard. I have really started to notice little things now making a difference. I remember sitting on the public seat outside our shop and feeling the rolls above the waistline on my back touching my hips. Ewww that sounds yuck when I describe it. And it felt yuck at the time. It was one of those things that motivated me to start ww again. I haven't totally lost the upper spare tyre (as I call it) but I don't feel the friction of skin like I used to.

Another thing that motivated me to start again was my heavy breathing when I had to do anything. Even walking up the 5 steps into our house I would put my foot on the step and kind of use momentum to haul my body up to that step. Now I go up and down those steps without a second thought.

Remembering back when one step made me puff and to think I did over 11,000 of them yesterday ... and felt great!!

I've made a small change in my ww plan. Up until now I've been on 26pts per day. With the questionaire they ask you at the start (to work out your points) they ask -

In your main occupation are you:

  • Sitting down most of the time

  • Occasionally sitting, but mainly standing

  • Occasionally standing, but mostly walking

  • Doing physically hard work most of the time

Up until now I have always put that I am 'occasionally sitting but mainly standing', which in effect gives me an extra 2pts per day (24 up to 26). When counting bonus points I never count incidental steps, only planned exercise. The problem being with these 2 extra points is that some days I don't work and some days I do alot of sitting while others I walk kilometers in the shop.

So I figure this may have something to do with my problem. I know it's only 2pts but this adds up to 14pts over the whole week. So I have re worked out my points as if I am sitting most of the time (24pts) and will wear my pedometer each day and add my bonus points at the end of each day according to the number of steps I do. I have worked out that 1,500 steps = 1pt, so yesterday would work out to 7pts (11,000 steps). I realise I can only use 4 of these for food and infact I only sometimes use my bonus points. But I still like to record all of them to keep a measure on how much I am doing. Does this all make sense??

Basically it means I am cutting my points back to 24pts. And I know the negatives of cutting back points and slowing motabolism etc but I don't truelly believe I should have been having those extra 2pts in the first place.

Anyway I'll give it a try this week and see what happens.

Power on!!


Jules said...

"So I figure this may have something to do with my problem"

Babe, you DON'T have a problem, you are doing exceedingly well. STOP beating yourself up over little things and celebrate your achievements. Your post gives the overtones of congratulating yourself but that one sentence says to me that this is a bit of a put on and you are still whacking yourself around the noggin about that 200g gain.

Do I have to come up there and have a "you're the best" conversation with you?? Don't make me get off this couch girl!!

Anne said...

Best you listen to Jules!!

Natural to want results and quick ones - but put lasst week behind you - it will happen!

Anne said...

Ooops a bit of speed typing there... should read last week

Nic said...

Wow great walk yesterday Lyn, I don't know where you find all the time.
The points thing might be worth a try, 2 pts seems like a big difference just for standing, it doesn't seem to involve a lot of calorie burning.


Moby Dick said...

You are motivating me to get one of those pedometers. it seems to motivate a lot of people to do more exercise, and that is good!!

Tania said...

Hi Lyn, I just caught up with your post from yesterday (as well as today) and I honestly don't think I know a single person who is on this journey that hasn't been through the frustrations of an undeserved gain.

Why is it that we can tell so many other people not to be hard on themselves, put it in perspective, move on without dwelling on it etc or justify the many reasons why it happened and yet we're always so much tougher on ourselves?

In perspective achieving our goal weight is a HUGE thing for us and you know what, I think we appreciate it all the more when we have some tough times along the way!

I love the way you evaluate your week - it gives you the opportunity to look back and reflect and when you can do that and say that you did everything well, that's all that really matters - now I can understand the comment you left on Jules post today :-)

And just wait until this time next week when those scales are going down!!!

Paul Champagne said...

Remember ... It's body fat Pct not weight that is the most important. Lean muscle mass weighs more than fat ... so you can loose fat but gain weight if you are exercising. Good job on your walk and keep it up.