Monday, May 21, 2007

Jese's off to school :(

My baby started school today! Very sad but exciting day. He doesn't start properly till he turns five on the 5 June, but has school visits for a couple of hours each Monday until then.

He wasn't nervous at all. I was pleased to say tho that he didn't do what his dad was trying to get him to memorise and introduce himself as ... "Who da man!!" He was repeating it all afternoon yesterday but instead of saying man he'd say 'Who da mam!!' ... lol not a good look for a first impression.

He was disappointed to come home at 10.30am and asked if he could go back after lunch. That's a good sign. But I'm very sad too. My baby is all growing up :((


I went to the local cafe last night to catch up with a friend for what was supposed to be a couple of drinks ... Ehem ... it ended up being one of those "invite everyone left at the pub home because the pubs closing!!" nights .... hmmmm ... woopsie.

At our house we all played playstation eye toy games ... what a hoot!!

I was very good and counted EVERY drink and worked out my points without going over for the day. Helps by the fact that I didn't get to eat dinner ... hmmm, yeah I know! lol. And I stopped drinking at about 11.30pm and drank water. I also earnt a couple of bonus points jumping round the lounge with the eye toy games. The last few left at 3am!!

This morning I'm very glad I stopped drinking when I did and drank water giving me no hangover (just a little tired)... hmmm, everyone else on the other hand are all very ill this morning.


Anne said...

Aww - cut little man. They grow up fast once they start school.

Sounds like you had a fun night!!!

Our bach is at Castlepoint, about 50 mintues from Masterton.

Rachel said...

Your baby is off to lovely. They told me to pick Reece up before lunch on his school visits but he begged me to leave him there, so I did and they didn't mind.

How exciting about saving someones life in the ambo....WOW exciting stuff.

Loved that you took everyone home for 'eye toy' game, I would have loved that (but not lasted as you know...hahaha)

Anonymous said...

We have eye toy and it is sooo much fun. I got the Kickboxing/Taichi one with eye toy too and have lots of fun with that. I might start that up again this winter.

Your little man is just the cutest thing OMG how great that he wanted to go back to school after lunch that is a good sign.

I so understand how you feel about your baby going to school though but just think of the free time to yourself woooohoooo.

Love ya

**Mellisa** said...

OMG.... you are as bad as me!! Not a good thing to get you, me and Wanna together!! ...... mmmmm.... could be a great night!! lol
Your little one is a cutey!! .... it is sad when they grow up so fast....! I am not looking forward to it!!

Chris H said...

I was jumping up and down for joy when Griffin finally went to school... in fact I still do! Hi chick, I'm home!!!

pointing the weigh said...

What a cutey!!

I always vowed I would not cry when I took James to start school but I was a 100% babba sook, and I cried....teehee.
I still miss him (I miss Adam also) when I take him to school because I know I'm not having any more kids....bah! - It takes it out of me just having monthly's never mind being pregnant again....nooooOOOO way! Me body is knackered and wrecked now it couldn't cope with any more and nor could me blummin brain...teehee

Hugs hunny

celtic_girl said...

Your little man is a heart breaker.

Thos Eyetoys are great and a good workout as well.

Mel. said...

What a cutie your little baby is, well not so little anymore. Glad to hear you had a good night.

pointing the weigh said...

Sounds like a fath to be able to visit patients but it would have been ncie to visit certain one's and it is good for the patient to be able to thank the people who saved their lives.

It's a shame that it isn't easy for you to be able to vist if you wanted to but you know they will always be very grateful to you.

It was a pulmonary embolism that got me and as I said in a previous comment I was told I was clinically dead on two occasions.
I had an out of body experience....and it seemed SOOOO REAL!!! I told the staff about this experience and that is when I was told about being clinically dead.....I was sure glad I was lying on the bed at the time of being told this because I felt like I was going to pass out with shock...all is well now, got to be careful for blood clots now though cause they found that I have lupus anticoagulant and protein S defiency which aren't helpful for blood clots.

Hugs to ya and you do a fantastic job.

Lee-Anne said...

Congratulations. You've reached that milestone. Childless between 9 & 3. Make sure you grab some decent ME time.

VegasGirl said...

He is such a cutie. Hehe. I feel the need to "accidentally" hear Who'da mam next time one of my friends asks Who'da man. hehe

It sounds like you had a good time, a night of drinks and video games sounds like fun! =D

jen said...

awwwwwwwww our babies grow up all to quickly ehhhhhhh?


Tania said...

Such amazing discipline you have - well done! Hope you had a great night.

How cute does your baby look all ready for his first day? Not looking forward to that milestone, I know i'll be an absolute wreck.