Monday, May 07, 2007

Stand the test of time

I went well over my points yesterday ... 34.5pts used!! Only supposed to be on 26, 8.5pts over!! So bad! I woke up this morning feeling quite guilty about it, so got up and went for a walk. That always makes me feel better.

I decided to walk a different direction this time and was amazed at how the beach had changed. It's been probably over a year since I'd walked down that part of the beach. Half an hour later I came across something that hadn't changed ...

It was still there, exactly the same as the last time I saw it a year ago. Now this isn't just a dead tree, it was a log that had been washed up by the sea and someone decided to dig a big hole and stand the log up. That was over 2yrs ago and it's still there strong and firm.

Where am I going with this? This log has great significance for me. It was the prop the photographer for Woman's Day used to take my magazine article photos. You can't see the log very much in the shot ... but it's there.

And this morning it came as a well timed reminder that it doesn't matter that I went well over points, I can get there again not through being a 'super dieter'... but by being strong and standing the test of time ... just sticking it out!! There's no tricks, just persistence ... like that tree stump, through all the storms and hard times.

For those of you who hadn't read the article I've put a permanent link on the right hand side. For a long time (after I put on weight again) I didn't want anyone to see the article and when others mentioned it I cringed. But I think I'm getting over that now and choosing to use it as a focus to help me get back there again, one day.


Nic said...

Hi Lyn

I so remember that article from way back then (I use to read your blog then) and you looked sensational, what a great motivational article to help keep you on track.


Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Wow... I dont think I have seen that article before...
You can do it again Lyn..
Like most of us.. we have done it before.. just had to see if we could do it all again!!! ;o)

Anne said...

I also remember the article and was a reader first time around as well. You will do it again!

Jules said...

As I have recently mentioned, I still have that article in hard copy. It was such an inspiration to me and you have beens since day one.

Lee-Anne said...

Yep, I remember that too. Can you email me your addy? leeanneb at xtra. Want to ask you something - not weight related.

Thanks for your support too. It is much appreciated.

Zanna said...

And here's another one who always enjoyed your posts and your progress photos. This time round you'll place much more focus on staying there, now that you're aware of how easily it can just slip through your fingers like grains of sand (or 100g at a time!) PS Am I the only person who sees the tree's likeness to a phallic symbol!
Take care
Z xx

pointing the weigh said...

It never ceases to amaze me how sometimes just when we need it something happens or someone says something or we come across something or whatever it might be but IT always comes at the right time to spur us on or lift our spirits.

It doesn't matter that you went over your day isn't going to hurt and you can make up for it, the main thing is, you aren't giving up....keep going the way you are lyn.


Tania said...

That's the first time i've read that article - thanks for sharing it with us.

I know different people see the WW point system in different lights but I truly believe we all need to do what works best for us.

I've gone over my points on many occasions but i've found as long as i'm disciplined to balance it back over the following days it hasn't been detrimental to the overall result.

You're doing great, keep believing in yourself and you WILL get to goal again.

Jaxx said...

I must admit I still have the hard copy of the article as well somewhere.... and you will get there again
