Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Tired little tottie!!

I'm a bit late in updating today. With Bill being hungover on Monday I worked for him all day and in return he gave me today off. So I put myself down for doing ambulance all day.

I got my first call out at 5.45am then before we even got back to the station we got our next job. I've just got back now at 12.30pm.

I weighed in this morning with a 400g loss. I was secretly hoping for a HUGE loss this week given I undeservedly put on 200g last week. But ultimately I have to realise I am still lighter than last week.

On looking over my stats I have lost 500g total in the last 3 weeks, pretty pathetic. I know Jules I AM happy with that, it's still going downwards but just have to push through this exercise muscle building stage. I can actually start to feel my leg muscles contracting when I flex them now, unlike a month ago.

Here's my evaluation for the week ...

Week ending 23 May, 2007

+/- this week: - 400g
total points used: 180/168
bonus exercise points earnt: 25pts
total steps for the week (exercise + work): 42,000
number of days exercise: 4
tracked: 7/7 days
water consumed: 12 litres/14 litres
sugar points: 20pts

Reflection ...

  • I overused my points this week. Remembering I dropped down from 182 total allowed points last week to 168 points this week. Still trying to get myself used to that. Might take a couple of weeks.

  • Bonus points earnt went from 16pts last week to 25pts this week, so very happy with that and of course went with that weekly steps from 29,000 last week to 42,000 this week.
  • Sugar points down - 22pts to 20pts.

Ok ... I just got back again, boy it's been a busy day on ambo. I'm in brain drain mode so I'll finish this post here.



Christine said...

A loss is a loss and I will take it anyday! Of course I have the same secret thoughts every week when I weigh in - perhaps it will be a week where I step on the scale and it reads a 15 pound loss! LOL! A dream...I am just happy to break even or a small loss. That will keep me on track.

Lisa said...

Hi Lyn,

Thanks for your comment on my blog. I read through your article in the magazine and I think I have seen it before also I read your 'where did I go for 18mths' all I can say is you seem to be a very brave woman and life certainly has been throwing you some curve balls.

The other day I was cutting my DD some cheese from a new 500gram block and for a moment I just held it in my hand and thought that 500grams is actually a reasonable weight when you think about it so 400grams is not far off.

Keep up the great work

Anne said...

Every week I come on and read your weekly evulation and every week I think mmm must do that! It's a fantastic idea and good to be able to see what you did well, if you can do better etc.

400 grams - well done!

Sienna said...

You are doing remarkably well. I enjoy your blog... I really do. You are an inspirational and interesting person! Have a fab rest today!

Jules said...

SNAP!! I lost 400g this week too!! I'm not that much of a nag am I??

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about the average over the month hun... mine has been terrible too and that is because I have finally gotten back to exercise after a month off with a bad back as well.... sometimes exercise can be a bugger aye.

BUT OMG that is a loss and you are certainly going the right way. Woohooooooo.


Rachel said...

I just love what you do on your day off - WORK - LOL!

Well done on your loss!

I (like Anne) also love your weekly roundup and reflections.

Hope your day with the ambo has slowed down.