Thursday, May 10, 2007

staring at the face of temptation

No Wanna and Rachel I didn't end up going walking that Tuesday night. Mostly because it was dark and didn't feel comfortable walking in the dark alone.

But ... I did go last night instead. A little earlier this time just as the sun was setting. I actually feel very proud of myself last night. It had the potential to all turn to custard, but I was focused to keeping myself ontrack.

I asked a friend in the late afternoon if she wanted to go for a walk with me. She was unsure if she'd get her work done in time. By 5pm I'd walk just over 3kms in the shop and was pretty 'ankle' sore. Bill and I had a little 'debate' as to who was going out, me for my walk, or him fishing. In the end he decided the sea was a little rough to be taking the boat out, so that left me to organise my walk. An hour would do it because I had to be back to finish dinner before a friend came over for a few drinks. I calculated my alcohol points out and tracked them for later.

I went and saw her at 5.10pm and she said her work wasn't finished yet. Contemplating relaxing in for the night, I checked up on my blog and saw your comments Wanna and Rachel. Well that did it, I was going for my walk anyway. Before I left I put the rice cooker on with our brown rice and got the ingredients out for dinner, gave instructions to Bill on how to cook it and said I would finish it off when I got back in an hour.

Lauren (11yrs), Malachi (9yrs) and I set off. We got talking and before I realised we were well down the beach and it was getting pretty dark. We turned around to come home, but man was I sore. My foot was giving out on me and wasn't being helped by uneven ground with no torch! We were walking so fast in the end, I just wanted to be home!

As I limped in the door I was told the gas had run out, therefore no stirfry. Dinner would have to be microwaved or takeaways. At 6.30pm and as tired as I was ... takeaways it was! But the chinese place I normally get my low point takeaways from is closed for a month. Damn it! Bill and the kids got pizza and the smell of it almost tempted me... well it damn near swallowed me up! I sooo wanted pizza *Homer voice ... "mmmmm, want pizzzzzzaaaaa"*

Stood myself up, told myself off and marched to the freezer to fetch my handy, dandy ww microwave meal and put a cup of rice under it to fill me up. "Tick" ... another box checked.

By this stage I was so pumped by all the obstacles being thrown my way that I dodged, when it came to my allotted drink allowance I looked in the face of temptation and told it to go jump. I decided to be the sober driver ... hmmm we weren't driving lol ... but the sober socialiser, hey someone had to make sure no one made a fool of themselves.

So I went to bed very proud of all that was put in my way yet overcome! And that was all started off by your comments to inspire me to go for my walk. See you just never know the power of your words!! Thankyou!


Name: Lynise said...

hey you clever cookie, well done for not giving in to temptation.
I've recently learnt that exercise is one of the best ever natural hunger suppresents and I've read that if you go for a brisk 10 min walk in your 'danger' times it will help with the fierce hunger during that time.
Your walk probably did helped big time in being able to say no to the pizza. I LOVE pizza,,,,mmmmmmmmmmmmmm, its just so delish.
Hope you have another great day.
I had better go update my blog, the week has flown by and I've hardly had time on the computer.

Rachel said...

WOOP WOOP Lyn, well done going for that walk with your kids AND having the WW meal instead of pizza AND THEN not even having a drink.......I can see why you are so proud of yourself, those scales are gunna thank you.

I also broke my ankle (fib and tib)about 5 years ago and needed surgery, I know have a plate, pins and screws in my leg with a no so neat scare and I also find exercise of any sort great for about 20 minutes and then my ankle starts to ache.
I have recently been doing Hydro and find I can easily do the whole hour session and not even feel a for thought.

Rachel said...

I really should proof read before I hit that 'publish a comment' button but you can work out my several spelling mistakes eh?

Sienna said...

Well done! You should be so proud! Day by day you will get there!

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Bravo..... well done girl..I am so proud of you...
Thats what i'm talkin about...(as Marcia Hinds would say!!!)
Well done... you are so gonna kik arse if you keep that attitude happening.. and yes... we are watching.. heheheheh
Oh and I dont blame you for not walking in the dark alone... specially with a dicky ankle...

Jules said...

I want you to watch that ankle babe!! No point wrecking it beyond repair. Get on that trainer thing you bought, not so hard on your joints. Only said out of concern darl!!

Anne said...

Lyn - you did well!! In more ways than one. You are really perservering with the exercise despite the pain. Also how proud you must be not giving into that pizza! Pat yourself on the back!!

Just to add to Rachel's comment, I found the water helped me after I fractured my ankle when I first started WW. I could barely walk but could manage limited aqua, and it seemed to help a lot. My fracture wasn't operated on, but I did quite a bit of ligament damage. Also my aqua teacher reckons a good exercise for helping ankle injuries is to sit and wright the alphabet with your toes, gets the movement going.

Lee-Anne said...

Mate you're a bloody legend. Those ww meals are a godsend at times. Well done on hurdling all those obstacles - but watch that foot of yours.

Kathryn said...

oh my gosh you have every right to be proud of yourself, you did so well with doing your walk anyway and not having the pizza!!!! Great effort mate.

Christine said...

Congrats on your walk and good for you for "making the time" - thats gotta be the toughest part, trying to fit it into a busy today! Keep up the good work.

pointing the weigh said...

WOW! You had a fab day!....WELL DONE!!
You are just living proof that we don't have to let things get in our way and that there are NO EXCUSES we just HAVE TO GET ON WITH IT...thanks hun!

Thanks for your comment and I will start and type my post up in word...fab idea!!

Enjoy your day/evening

Hugs hun

Mel. said...

Wow you should be so proud of yourself and your achievements. Congratulations and well done.

jen said...

wooohoooo good on you girl, pat yourself on the back for the great proud of yourself!!

Well done, keep smiling,

Rachel said...

Send me your email address and I will give you my broken ankle/leg story. When you leave a comment it doesn't come up with your email.

Mine is:


Chubbymum said...

Woohoo hun that is fantastic that the temptation didn't beat you. That is fantastic.

Love Chubbymum

Tania said...

And that is exactly why you achieved your goal and will again! What an awesome effort to keep overcoming obstacles the way you do - I think it's worthy of those scales rewarding you well next week :-)