Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Don't want my dinner? Then ...


Kiss My Ass!!

Spent a couple more hours putting up old entries yesterday afternoon. That was until Blogger started putting a spam protector on every entry I tried to publish. You know those silly word pictures you have to retype the letters of, normally seen on comments. Obviously because I was publishing so many posts they thought I was spam!! lol

They said it would clear in 24hrs so I'll try again this afternoon. It's quite fascinating going through old journal entries, reliving your excitement/failures. I recommend any blogger who's finding motivation difficult to go back and reread your journal from the start.

I was the queen of multitasking yesterday. I decided early on in the day that I felt like lamb shanks for dinner. Knowing they needed to be cooked long and slow I got onto it early. Problem was Bill had gone to Tauranga for stock so I was in the shop alone. I ducked over to the butchers real quick (2 doors down) in between customers. Then grabbed carrots, parsnip and kumera off the shelf. Ran upstairs got the peeler, sharp knife, chopping board, bowl and brought them down (in between customers). Secretly peeled the veges (not supposed to prepare any food in the shop), ran upstairs for the crockpot which I noticed was still dirty from last nights dinner, washed that (in between customers) brought it down, put everything together, ran upstairs and put it on (of course all in between customers).

When Bill got back I skited about my multitasking and how I already had dinner on cooking at 12.00pm. To which he replied "Ohh nooo, I had a roast I bought yesterday I wanted cooked!!" Grrrr!! Men!!! lol Can't please em!!

Not much happening today ... work, then my night walk tonight with the girls (hopefully they turn up this time), and weighin tomorrow morning.


Anonymous said...

You are too funny... yummy lamb shanks.

You aren't going to Weight Watchers are you? Doing it at home?


Anne said...

I'm a little like you in that I work from home - our customers are phone ones though. Amazing what you can fit in between combing housework, cooking and work. LOL tell Bill the roast will keep.

Jules said...

Men are dicks!! You think you'd be grateful for dinner being cooked for you aye??

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Ha ha.. well done on the multitasking..
but ya cant win can you...

Name: Lynise said...

mmmm, lamb shanks, yum. (note to self to raid freezer back at the farm as its loaded with lamb and beef from our home grown animals)

I must get more organised, if I had thought about it I could have arrived home to dinner almost cooked in the crock pot, but no its 5.20pm and I've walked in door wondering what on earth we are going to eat tonight.

On the plus side I went to the green grocer at lunch time and have a bag full of fresh vegies, so just need something to go with it.

Tania said...

Lol - I want your problem! I've been with my husband for over 5 years and in that time I can count the amount of times he's cooked dinner on one hand, what I wouldn't give to have him say "I was going to cook a roast" - a girl can continue to dream - hope the shanks were nice!

Mel. said...

lamb shanks I so love these. Men Grrrrrrr you can't live with them and you can't live without them. Hope you have a good week and good luck with your weigh in tomorrow.

Sienna said...

What sort of shop do you have? Damn those men, DH will have to GET OVER IT.. or bloody go hungry. Rules in my house \MENU