Tuesday, April 22, 2003

stressful weekend at mums

Sorry I didn't update yesterday but this diary website was down all day.
My weekend was good and bad. Good in the fact that I caught up with family and had a relaxing weekend (even managed to get a gym workout in) My easter egg count went as planned. Only had 3 small ones over the weekend, and 1 hot cross bun (with no butter).
On a bad note, I was disappointed yet again that my mother never said anything about my weightloss. I have had lots of comments from friends telling me how fantastic I am looking, but nothing from my parents. I thought that maybe before I was still wearing baggy clothes and so they couldnt tell but this weekend I went down in my new slimfitting outfit. There is no way they couldnt have noticed. But nothing, not a "youre looking good" or a "have you lost weight?" or anything. And my parents arent the sort to worry about saying something that might offend.
The only thing that did happen (I was very hurt about) For dinner they dished up dinner on dinner plates for my husband and I got a bread and butter plate with a small amount of scrambled eggs on it. When Bill asked mum about it the next day she replied "Well she is on diet isnt she? Going to the gym and everything, so I'm just helping her along the way" I was so annoyed ... for one ... Im not on diet! ... for two ... losing weight doesnt mean eating less!!! ... and for three ... if they can comment on being on diet why cant they comment on how well I look!! It doesnt surprise me ,,, I kind of expected that from my parents. I dont think they will say anything even when i get to goal. Just have to get over trying to please them I guess. After all this decision is for me not for them. But still doesnt make it any easier tho. The ironic thing is the next night she dished up steak and deep fried chips for dinner. If she knew I was watching my weight then why dish up something like that. I chose to oven bake my chips but still very expensive point wise for the chips. (6pts for a small handful) I ate them with a smile and counted them into my daily allowance, but not worth the points in my mind.
Went back to the gym last night for a step class... really hard workout. Weigh in tonight, cant wait. I'm really enjoying being a weigher at weight watchers (person behind the scales recording down the weights), I get a sense of achievement helping out others. I thought I might get sick of it, but Im not ... its a very small role to do but every little thing helps.
I'll be updating my website tomorrow to check back in then to see how I did over easter.
Thanks for reading!
Lyn :)
SW 107.4kg
CW 96.1kg
GW 65kg

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