Friday, April 11, 2003

I feel a gym addiction coming on

I just spent the last 15mins writing all my thoughts down for today and when I went to upload it and the site went down!!! GRRRRR!
So now I will try and recall what I said...
Firstly, had my gym assessment yesterday. Was loads of fun. The instructor said my blood pressure and pulse were excellent - 60/90 and 64bpm. (average according to her was 60-80bpm) Looks like my walking is paying off.
She kept making comments on how well I was doing through all the exercises but I'm sure she says that to everyone lol.
Jordan and Jese enjoyed the creche and had the carers all goo goo over them.
I'm really wanting to go back to the gym today but Bill is working all day till late and with the older two kids at home looks like it wont happen today. Guess I can wait till tommorow :)
Had sushi for lunch yesterday - YUMMMMM!! I love sushi but it's just so expensive.
Chino (the cat) has got another scab thing on his neck again. Last time he had to be shaved and I am entering him into a show at the end of this month. I'm hoping it will heal on it's own this time without having to be shaved. Will keep a close eye on him but may have to pull him from the show :( At this stage its only small and not swollen or pussy... fingers crossed it will heal in time.
Really hanging out for a shopping day at the moment. Can't afford to buy anything but just want to be one of those annoying customers who want to try everything on and don't end up buying anything lol. I'll have to wait till Bill has a day off to look after the kids.
My body is feeling really good the last week or so. Can really start to notice the difference. My tummy is looking flatter and butt tighter :) I get impatient at times just wishing it all to zap away instantly. But I know ... slow and steady! lol
First day of the holidays today... should be interesting. House is always noisier with the older two at home... and messier!! I enjoy having them here but is a lot more work.
Let's hope I get this successfully uploaded this time and don't have to retype it all again.
Till tommorow, thanks for reading!
Lyn :)
SW 107.4kg
CW 96.4kg
GW 65kg
11kg in 13wks

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