Saturday, April 05, 2003

Progress pics ... yucky

Wow I am blown away with the number of compliments and entries into my guestbook and emails received already!! And my website has only been up 12 hours!! It is soooo encouraging. I read of others being inspired when they created a website and got entries into a guestbook but never did I expect such a positive influence! You are all fantastic... thankyou sooo much!
Well enough head swelling for now ... on with the real stuff (lol) I am more focused on correct eating today. I ended up getting really hungry last night (around 10.30pm) not surprising since I hadn't had lunch. I know it is bad to eat that late at night but what is worse? not eating 10 of your points or eating too late at night? I figured since I was going to be up for a couple more hours then it would be worse to not eat them.
If anyone has any suggestions for my website please send me an email and let me know (good or bad feedback) and I'll try to not get offended if you hate it (lol just kidding) but honestly if you have any great ideas please tell me.
My brother commented on my weightloss the other day. He saw me tracking my food and asked me what I was doing. I told him I was on ww and he replied "oh I noticed you had lost weight but thought it was just you shrinking after baby was born" Yah right!!! Jese is 10mths old! I wish our bodies just automatically SHRANK!! Would make life so much easier don't you think? lol (maybe we should put in for a law change ... "mothers who have just given birth will AUTOMATICALLY shrink 10mths after baby is born!")
But I accepted his compliment gracefully (laughing under my breath)
Have decided I need to take some 'progress photos' for the website... but it's a matter of being too chicken yet. But the more I wait the more kgs I lose. I have already lost nearly 10kg so I figure I am already too far ahead. I don't really know why I am so scared ... maybe from actually seeing the photos and realising how fat I actually am. I like to think of my 'minus 10kg' body as slim now but if I see reality it might send me into depression. I know it's a short term complaint and that as soon as I take another photo later on it will actually motivate me to keep going ... but you must understand my hesitancies? don't you? or am I being silly?
I think the other point is exposing my bare body to the world. It's amazing how flattering clothes can be compared to a naked, dimply, celulite, rolly polly body! I look so much better with clothes on. Now I'm not talking about taking a photo butt naked here but I will need to have something pretty skimpy (bra and nickers or togs, of which I don't own) to properly show the progress.
Oh well maybe it's like jumping off a diving board ... you just have to close your eyes, do it and think about the consequences as you are falling to (your death!) oops mean the pool.
Did any of you notice the cool little 'mini poll' I had on my front page? Cool huh? I can set the questions and answers to anything at all so if anyone has a poll they want done send me an email and I will do it. I'm going to change it once a week (probably on a Thursday after weighin wednesday) so check in Wednesday if you want to see the final results for any poll I do.
Well that's enough rambling for today (don't want to bore any of you) Thanks for reading!!!
Lyn :)
SW 107.4kg
CW 97.6kg
GW 65kg
12wks on ww

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