Sunday, April 27, 2003

my old bra finally gets to RIP

Chino did really well in his cat show. He placed 5th Best Cat in Show in ring 1 and 4th Best Cat in Show in ring 2. Not quite the same standard as Best Kitten in Show as the last time but this time it was Burmese cats only so the competition was alot tougher. A really good result!! And he was so well behaved, just sat on the table while the judge examined him. The judge made a comment that "this cat has obviously is used to this and been in shows alot by his placid nature". lol This was only his second show ever!
My eating was a bit of a disaster yesterday. Started off okay with breakfast and morning tea (toast, and snack bar) then I decided to go to the supermarket round the corner for lunch. I didnt have a points calculator on me and chose a packet of rice chips & humus dip and a filled roll. The filled roll was stale and had an aphid on the lettuce!! so I threw half of that out. Then ate the rice chips and dip. When I got home I calculated the points at being 10pts!!!!! ouch!!! The dip was 98% fat free so figured it would be low. Both things were around 500kj. I shared some with Bill so put them down at 8pts. Then mum dished up Chicken Cordon Bleu for dinner. She wanted to have pizza with it but I talked her into having potatoes and steamed veges. I have no idea what to count the chicken as. There was no nutritional label. Guessed it at 6pts. So all up for the day was 27pts! (4pts over) I had a few saved up so I came out ok. But heres a lesson for ya... you know when you overeat, whether it was your fault or not, and you really dont want to write the points down because you feel so guilty? I was like this yesterday. When I got home and actually worked it all out I realised I wasnt as bad as I had thought. Imagine if I hadnt written it down ... I would have gone on the rest of my week feeling bad and probably stumbling with food because I had already blown it. Goes to show ... YOU HAVE TO WRITE IT ALL DOWN!!!
Babysitting was a nightmare!! (as I had expected) I couldn't get Jese to sleep till 9.30pm. Normally at home I put him in his bed, shut the door and in 2mins he's asleep but because he wasnt in his own bed and he had to be in the lounge with me there was no way he was going to settle! And then each of the kids in turn came out to complain about someone else who wasnt sleeping!!!!! I was getting so mad by the end of the night! At 9.30pm I finally had everyone asleep (well at least silent) and then the parents turned up just before 10pm. Wow what a looooong night!!
Went into get a new bra this morning ... my old one was falling to pieces and I was outshrinking it :) The lady in the store asked me what size I used to be after I told her I had lost weight and wanted to be refitted. I told her 18DD (I was actually a 22E but was too embarrased to tell her that) at which she replied ... wow you must have lost a lot of weight then). Then after she measured me up she informed me "you are now an 18DD" How embarrasing! lol She mentioned that different bras were different in sizes but I still felt silly lol. I am still embarrased at the fact that I used to be a 22E, hoping that will change when I get to goal. I want to be able to shout it from the roof tops (so to speak) "I used to be a 22E"
My bra actually ended up being a 16DD!! Did you hear that? 16DD!! wahoo!!!! That has two parts of good news ... the size 16 means I have shrunk 3 sizes and the DD means that I still have boobs!!!
When I came to pay for them the lady had the matching briefs on the counter so thought what the heck Ill try em on. Get this ... the Large was too big!!! had to take the Mediums!!! Wahooo!!
I also got a sports bra ... to stop myself getting knocked out when I go to the gym. My old one was so bad that I couldnt do any running or jumping for fear of repocussions! not to mention the looks from others. Now with my new sports bra I feel like Im all strapped in!! Nothing could move these suckers now... they are like set in concrete!! I also bought a sports top to go over top (tight reinforced style) and then I can put a tshirt over the whole thing. I really makes a difference to my posture and figure. I reckon it makes you lose a few kilos in just having the right support. Pity I couldnt tell the scales that huh? lol Then while I was at the sports shop I took a look at some shoes. My ancient ones are starting to give me blisters because the lining is wearing thin on the inside. Picked up a pair of Adidas reduced from $260 to $99 ... it was definately my day for shopping!!
Had to break the news gently to Bill when I got home. Focused on all the money I saved with the bargains I bought ... Im sure you know how it goes! lol
So Im bouncing off to the gym in a couple of hours to test drive all my new purchases. Can't wait!
Catch ya tomorrow!
Lyn :)
SW 107.4kg
CW 94.8kg
GW 65kg

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