Saturday, June 30, 2007

Get outa my way!!!

It's pouring with rain here today and guess what I had to do? ...

I had to drive an ambulance backwards up a windy, skinny, dirt road and skid to a holt in a matter of seconds putting the ambulance into a sideways skid and steer myself out of it both on a dirt road and tarseal road in the rain!!!!

And I did it and in doing so passed my first level ambulance driving. Which means that I can now drive an ambulance from the hospital back to station.

Even half an hour after I'd finished my assessment my pulse rate was elevated!!!! Talk about adrenalin levels!!!

Next is my defensive ambulance driving course on the 14/15 July, then I can drive code 1 (lights and sirens) to a job.

So I'm feeling pretty pumped but excited today and glad it's over with.

Eating has been good, weight is down on last weighin (shhhh I didn't tell you I sneaked a peak on the scales) hopefully it stays down till weighin.

That's me today ... a good day!!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I've been tagged

Back onto my second day 100% on track. Lee-anne you hit the nail on the head with your comment about having my focus elsewhere. And I guess that's why I wasn't too worried about the gain.

I've swapped my ambo day to Fridays now (instead of Thursdays). This means that I can go permanently onto a 2man crew rather than the 3man crew I have been doing.

Not much else to talk about really. I did some research into Google Reader yesterday and I think I'm going to use it to help me get through all my blogs I read. Quite a handy tool really. The other benefit for me is that because it is web based it means I still have my favs list when I go into the ambo station.

The wonderful celticgirl has tagged me for a cute game thingie so here's my part ...

INSTRUCTIONS: Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom slot, like so.

1. Lose Weight With Me
2. Chicken Girl
3. Half Man
4. Celtic Girl
5. Lyn

Next select five people to tag: (if you haven’t done it already)


And now for the questions:

What were you doing ten years ago?

Pregnant with child number 2 and preparing to set up my own design studio which I did for 7 years.

What were you doing 1 year ago?

Just got back together with my hubby after being separated for 3mths

Five Snacks You Enjoy

1. microwave popcorn
2. sweet and tangy crisps (of course not too often)
3. Corn on the cob
4. rice crackers
5. crunchy nectarines

Five Songs to Which You Know all the Lyrics

1. Somewhere over the rainbow
2. Hey Jude
3. Twinkle Twinkle little star
4. God Defend New Zealand (national anthem)
5. Oops I did it again

Five Things You Would Do If You Were a Millionaire

1. Pay off debts and give up working (current job)
2. study paramedics fulltime
3. Buy investment properties
4. Relax and stop stressing about paying bills
5. Travel

Five Bad Habits

1. Putting myself down
2. Feeling I'm not worthy around others
3. Smoking
4. Eating out of boredom
5. procrastination

Five things you like doing

1. Blogging
2. Ambulance work
3. Relaxing watching tv infront of the fire
4. Hiking in bush (not as easy since the broken foot)
5. Having a few drinks with friends at home

Five things you’ll never wear again

1. Wedding dress
2. Mini skirts
3. Stilettos
4. crop top
5. mafia hats

Five favorite “toys”

1. PC
2. TV
3. Wok
4. Ambulance Pager
5. PSP

clean slate please ...

I kind of expected it ... a 700g gain. All things considered I'm not going to throw a tantrum about it.

I didn't track all week, although making good food choices most of the time there were time's where I thought it didn't matter. Isn't it funny how when we have stress we think that's a good enough reason not to eat properly. Like we're saying "Hey I got dealt a bad deal this week, therefore I'm allowed to eat these chips" ... lol ... like there's a big 'diet boss' up there somewhere that agrees 'ok, yeah that evens it out' .... ummmm nah!!

So what's the action plan? Firstly ...

  • Get back tracking girlfriend!!! Everytime the tracking slips up ... I slip up! Not only because I'm eating things I shouldn't be, but because when I don't know where I'm at with how many points I've had I often think I've done far worse than I have and blow out in rebellion.
  • Get back to eating breakfast. When there's too much going on in my life I tell myself I'm too busy to eat, there's just too much to get on with. But we all know that when our bodies don't have glucose in the blood, it starves our brains of it's nutrients and our brains go to sleep. (am I sounding like I'm still in ambo mode?? lol)
  • Water and exercise ... these two things are tricky for me at the moment with a lack of warmth and time. I'm thinking if I concentrate on the top two things to start with and move onto these.

Onwards and downwards I say!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I'm a stunned mullet!!

What a day!!!

I had decided to head up to Thames early so I could get some practice in before the big assessment. I left home at 11am (assessment started at 3pm) and called into my station on the way for a coffee. When I walked in my boss was there and asked if I passed. And when hearing I hadn't, asked me what I did wrong. I told him I forgot to take the pulse and he said he couldn't believe the guy would fail me for that.

I actually disagreed with him saying that I did make the mistake and that I wanted to show to him and myself that I can do this!

All they way up to Thames (just under an hours drive) I practiced in my head the scenario over and over and over!! After a quick bite and coffee at 1pm I practiced from then till 3pm. I was so determined to get this.

My turn came up and this time I was calm and relaxed. I did the whole thing and the assessor sat me down. He got me worried when there was a long silence, then he said this ...

"In all my years of being an assessor this is only the second time I have said this. If my baby boy was having a cardiac arrest I would want you to be the person resuscitating him!"

He then stood up and gave me a hug. He told me he would be writing a report up for everyone which will be passed on to all the big bugs in our area and mine will be a glowing one. At this point all my emotions of the last 24hrs hit me and I felt tears welling up in my eyes. I made a quick exit after thanking him before he noticed my tears.

It was the exact result I wanted and knew I could achieve!!


Monday, June 25, 2007

Mwaaaahhh!! Ambo courses suck!!

That was absolutely YUCKY, YUCKY, YUCKY!!!!!!!

Another 3 days of cramming our poor little brains with so much information I thought I was going to explode!!! It came to exam day yesterday and we had 3 practical exams to complete by the end of the day. I was getting pissed off with my partner (we were doing our exams in teams of 2) because she just refused to practice. Everytime I mentioned about doing a runthrough of a practice scenario she decided she had something else to do.

In the end I grabbed someone else's partner to practice so at least I could get some practice in.

Normally in exam situations I'm pretty calm and don't really have much problem with freaking out.

As I entered the room for my turn I methodically went through the medical scenario and almost had it done when the tutor informed me that the patient had gone into cardiac arrest. I calmly got my partner and I to lift the patient onto the floor so we could start proceeding with CPR, got her to ring for backup and get the defib set up ... then ... my mind went blank ... I couldn't think ... the silence seemed to last forever!!! I totally panicked and hurried myself into doing chest compressions (done with a manikin). After a few minutes he stopped me ... I'd failed ...

In my panic I had forgotten to check the pulse ... such a stupid mistake!! What person forgets to check the pulse???? I got everything else perfect and forgot the most basic thing!!! I was so angry with myself!!

The horrible thing was I had to recompose myself for the next assessment ... a trauma patient. I just wanted jump in my car and go home!!! It was good that I had an hour spare to chill out and tell myself I could do this, don't panic!!!

I past the final one ... so all in all I passed trauma, excelled in the medical and failed the resuscitation. My tutor pulled me aside afterwards and said I wasn't the only one who hadn't passed and the mistake I made while enough to make me fail would not kill anyone in reality, so I guess that's one good thing.

He also said that my medical assessment was the best he'd seen in the last two courses. So people if you are sick and I turn up to help you ... you'd be fine if your just sick but just don't bloody die on me!!!!

Because it was such a minor thing he's letting me have another go at it this afternoon. Bugger I have to drive all the way up there again but I just want to get it over with. I have dreamt over and over about resus scenarios!!! I think I have it sorted this time ... gawd I hope so!!!!!

Lynise - Sorry I didn't get a chance to catch up again!! I seriously just did not have the time, any spare moment was spent studying.

My food was ok. I took my own tv dinners with me and the lunches were provided ... a filled roll with a cake and fruit ... so I just had the filled roll and fruit. My water was probably a little down, coffee intake way up, exercise down ... but right now all I have on my brain is this resit this afternoon .... man I'd better pass it!!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

studying hard

A Big Whewww!!! Lost another 400g this week bringing my total loss to 13kg. :) And another goal achieved. "To get below 110kgs". It's amazing how a figure of 109kgs seems so much lighter than 110 and so much closer to those double figures!

I think a part of my loss this week was due to having not eaten much the last two days with being sick but that's ok, I'll take it! :)

Sorry I haven't caught up much with everyone's blogs. Even with my update yesterday I ended up going straight back to bed after. Today is the first day I've really been able to hold my head up and consider going back to work.

I have lots of study to do today. I have these letter thingys running through my head continuously ...

S - Safety
R - Response
A - Airways
B - Breathing
C - Circulation
D - Disability
E - Expose, Examine, Environment

A - Aware
V - Voice
P - Pain
U - Unresponsive

S - Signs/Symptoms
A - Allergies
M - Medications
P - Past Medical History
L - Last oral intake
E - Events leading up to

O - can't remember
P - can't remember
Q - quality of pain
R - can't remember
S - Severity of pain
T - Timing (length of pain)

Not too bad but there are a few I need to get stuck in my head. And who knows what nervousness will do on D Day ... need to get these ingrained in my brain.

I'm off to study!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Still shivering

Just a quick post to say I'm still alive. Course was really good, I learnt heaps!! That was part A with part B and exam next weekend. I managed to catch up with Lynise while in Thames which was really nice!

The only down side was the motel room I had was so cold!!! And they only had a single duvet on the bed with no blankets!! We came back from dinner on the Saturday night and around 11pm I turned in for bed and shivered!!! An hour later I got sick of being cold and put my polar jacket on, zipped it up, put the hood over my head and buried myself under the duvet. An hour later I was STILL shivering!! So getting quite annoyed with myself I put on my ambulance triple lined, mega insulated, withstand any cold jacket, zipped it up over top of all the other layers ... eventually I got to sleep!! But I woke up in the morning with a tight, wheezy chest.

By late afternoon I was coughing like a seal and in the last hour of the course I just wanted to go home to bed!!! Bugger I had an hour to drive home. I stumbled in the door, grabbed my feather duvet, kicked the kids off the couch, curled up and went to sleep.

Yesterday I was slammed to the floor with this thing ... thick head, sinuses blocked, 'rip my chest out' cough and couldn't even get myself off the couch!

Today I've still had the day off work, but at least able to get up and about a bit. It's a bugger because I'm supposed to be studying but there's no way I could get my head around thinking right now. I have tomorrow left and that's it ... Thursday is ambo all day and Friday I'm off to Thames again. And poor Bill having to cover all my shifts for me.

I haven't been able to track or exercise this week, nor have I had much control over my food. During the weekend all our food was supplied, some healthy, some not so healthy. But I think I did pretty good in selecting between the good and bad.

I'll let you know how weighin goes tomorrow.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Winter is here ... and I'M COLD!!!

Thankyou all for your congrats!! It means alot!!

Becks ... the stars are from my ww online program. As I reach each milestone they show one of these cute stars on my ww page. I right click to bring up 'properties' and copy and paste the 'gif' into the 'url' menu when uploading a photo into blogger. Does that makes sense?? lol probably not.

I had a full on day yesterday with ambo with my first pager going off as I hoped out of the shower at 5.35am!! Infact both ambulances (there's two at our station) were out almost all day. I think part of it has something to do with the cold weather, especially with asthma and chest infections etc.

Speaking of the cold ... I just CANNOT get warm today! I tried to get the gas heater going at the back of the shop and the stupid gas had run out!!! Grrr! So I've sent Bill down to the gas station to get some more and meanwhile tried to get warm by drinking some hot soup, but it was so yuck I tipped it out!! lol

I think I'm feeling the cold a bit more because I have 10% less fat covering my shivering butt!! lol Ohhh and talking about my shivering butt, my ambo belt buckle is down one more hole ... hole #4!! Infact my ambo pants are looking a tad baggy, but I'm going to save the moment of getting a smaller size till they are practically falling off me!! hehehe

I won't be able to update this weekend, I'm off to an ambulance course in Thames. I'm quite excited because once I pass this one I can move up to the next level 'Primary Care 1', which basically means I'm not a newby First Aider anymore. Yayya!!! The course starts at 8.30am tomorrow till 5pm, with accommodation provided in a flash as motel! I don't get many stays at motels so I'm gonna live it up!! Then again 8.30am - 5pm Sunday, and the same next weekend. I'll probably come back brain fried but I love it tho, all this learning stuff I haven't done it in a long time. Feels good to get the brain moving again. Hey I just had a thought ... maybe that's where my 800g loss came from ... brain activity!!

Ahhh Bill is back, gas bottle filled, heater going in my little corner at the back .... bliss!!! I could go to sleep here!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

10% of my butt gone!!

I was a lucky little girl this week, recording an 800g loss. I'm sure my blowout on the weekend will probably show up on next weeks weigh in. I also think that last week's fluid has disappeared this week.

Whatever the reason... hey I don't care!! lol There's been plenty of times I didn't get the loss I deserved so I take this one and run with it!!

The other cool thing with this weeks loss is it brings me to my 10% lost goal achieved, so another little star thingy put on my sidebar!!

Wow, to think I only have 10kgs to go (and if I say '10' real fast it doesn't sound like much) before I'm into double digits!!! Wahoooooo!!!

My evaluation has gone out the door this time with not knowing how many points I used on the 2 days I didn't track.

I got my minimizing butt back into gear the last two days with 100% tracking and 100% effort.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Grrrr!! I'm NOT cute!!

Last night Jese (5yrs) came to Bill and I with a very worried look on his face.

"Dad, there's a bully at school. He was calling me names so I said to him 'Stop being a bully to me, you need to be nice to me EVERYDAY!!!'"

This in itself was cute enough but when I asked him what the mean boy was saying to him he replied "He said I was a little cutie!!! That's mean aye Dad?"

To which I totally lost it. I had to leave the room because I was doubled over in laughter!!!! In this instance I think I have to agree with the bully ... he IS a cutie!!!! I so wish I'd caught it all on camera!

Eating wise I did well all day, even planning on saving 4pts for the day to make up for the weekend but hmmm ... that didn't happen, with a late night sugar craving. Oh well, still stayed within points.

After seeing Kek's new banner I decided to have another play around with mine. Last time I couldn't work out how to get it working and gave up. But managed to work it out this time. I showed Bill and then told him about the little bikini girl at the end of the words. He said he didn't notice it at first, which is kinda cool. It was the photo taken of me in Fiji when I was at goal last time. I'm thinking about creating my own ticker tracker using this image somehow ... might have a play and see what I can do.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Party! What party?

I totally lost the plod yesterday!! Don't know what happened but for the first time since I started back at ww in February I didn't track, I ate, didn't drink my water, didn't exercise and just blobbed on the couch all day!! What's wrong with me??

I usually struggle on weekends but manage to pull back the reigns on myself. Yesterday I just didn't seem to care. I didn't eat bad food but just ate too much of it. I did a rough calculation and I think I consumed somewhere round the 30-35pt mark ... bad, bad, bad!!

The plot hasn't been lost totally. Today I'm back into it. I think for this weeks weighin I'll be having a gain and for the first ... a deserved gain!! It's ok, all is not lost. I won't be putting on all 11kgs that I've lost ... well let's hope not!! lol

Lee-anne and I met for coffee on Saturday and she is absolutely lovely!! And yes Becks photos were taken. But I told her I'll let her post the photos on her blog. We got on great!! And was much relieved that she's friendly and down-to-earth given we are travelling down together to Chris's in August.

Saturday night I went to a friend's birthday. It started at 5pm and was held at a school camp so we could all sleep over and not have to worry about driving home. When I got there I didn't recognise anyone!! Very much out of my comfort zone I sculled down a few wines to help me relax. I got talking to another girl who didn't know anyone else either. I found out she had come with her partner who knew the birthday girl. When it came time to sort out our sleeping arrangements I gingerly asked if I could share the same room as her (there were 6 bunks to a room). As I went to put my stuff in the room the mother of the birthday girl scolded me for putting my stuff in that room "Awww come on!! Leave the two love birds alone!!" She replied. I didn't know what to say, I was gobsmacked!! So for me the evening didn't get off to a very good start. By 7pm a few more people had arrived. I knew a few there but not very well. I managed to make polite conversation but it was not one of those "blast" events. I was very proud of myself for not having any chips or nibbles and the dinner I just had a vegetarian filo thingy and some salad and said no to dessert.

By 9.30pm we all moved over to the hall for a boogie when the entertainment arrived. Shona Laing was playing and while she was very good it was not boogie music. 10pm arrived and I had the choice of digging into the wine and having a good time that way or heading off to bed. So the old nana that I was I made the decision to go to bed!!! In bed by 10pm??? What have I become?? lol

I moved my stuff down to the far room by myself which ended up being a wise move as I didn't get woken when everyone else stumbled into bed at who knows what hour. I awoke at 3am freezing cold!! I had a subzero sleeping bag but it didn't seem to help. I just couldn't get back to sleep so at 3.30am I packed up my stuff and drove home, crawled into my own warm snuggly bed. Much better!!!

So that was my weekend ... woopie!! lol

Saturday, June 09, 2007

World's funniest joke ...

I'm very excited to be meeting up with Lee-anne for a coffee today. It's always fun to meet other bloggers in 'real life'.

I have a birthday party to go to tonight. A friend is turning 30 and she's hired out a camp so we can all sleep over without worrying about driving home. Should be a bit of fun.

There was a documentary on sky last night about the study of humour and how some people find a joke funny while others don't. They did a huge study of thousands of people to find the world's funniest joke. When they finally told the joke, the guy did a big spiel how even tho it was voted the funniest joke alot of people wouldn't find it funny. So I was expecting something stupid like "why did the chicken cross the road" type one. But I actually did find this one funny ... what do you guys think?

Here it is ... the world's funniest joke ...

Two friend's went hunting together and one of them had the misfortune of hurting himself. His mate rang 111.
"Help!! My friend's hurt himself really, really bad"
"Don't panic, we're sending someone right away. What's wrong?"
"I'm not sure, but he's really bad."
"First we have to work out if he's dead or not"
There was silence on the other end of the phone, then a loud BANG!!!
"Hello?? Hello??"
"Ok, that's done ... now what??"

Friday, June 08, 2007

what boogie monster??

It's amazing that with not being able to track all yesterday (via online journal) and Wednesday evening, how out of control I felt! I really didn't know how I was going with my eating and by this morning I found myself wondering if I can keep this up.

How stupid in reality tho. All it took was some memory recalling this morning and worked out that I only went 1.5pts over in the last two days. I cannot emphasis enough how much keeping records of my eating keeps me going. Otherwise it's like walking in the dark for me. I start getting worried about boogie monsters that aren't there!

Jordan (6yrs) flys out with his grandparents tonight to Australia for 2 weeks. My parents have this tradition that when each of our children turn 7 they get taken overseas by them for a holiday. Jordan turns 7 in July but it suited them to take him a few weeks early. He was a very excited little boy last night when they came to pick him up.

I decided on having one of Subways new lamb and mint sauce subs yesterday. I've had it once before and really enjoyed it. But this time I noticed oil dripping from the bottom!!! OMG how much oil is in it if it's dripping out the bottom!!! YUCK!! I was a bit lost as to how to point it but figured it would be similar to the meatball one (8pts)

I had a cool comment from my ambulance area manager, telling me he has been hearing some good feedback about me on my jobs. Wahooo!! The big boss notice me, the little pleb at the bottom!! :D

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Mad Cow Disease

This little cow describes me perfectly!! Damn it!! Technology is pissing me off today!! Well, the weight watchers online site to be exact! As I went to put in my food for last night's eating they suddenly changed the rules on me!! ...

Corn is now 1.5pts per cob!!!!!!! WTF??? I loved my corn as a pt free snack or to top up my dinners if I was extra hungry and now they are going to charge me points for it???? No explanation, no warning ... they could have told me BEFORE I ate two cobs of the stuff!!! 3pts gone!!!! Grrrrr!!!

I heard through the grapevine something about corn on the cob now being points but thought I must have heard wrong as my online weightwatchers tracker kept telling me 0pts when I put in corn.

Can ya tell I'm mad???? Damn it!! I got so pissed off with it that I changed my mind about putting any more food in for the meantime and would finish it off in the morning when I got to ambo...

... then ... this morning when I opened up the weightwatchers online site on the station computer, I got a rude message telling me I now needed Flash player version 9!!!! And because I don't have admin authorisation here at the station I can't download the new version ... grrrr .... so now I can't even update my food here!!! Arghghhhhh!!! lol

Ok so now I guess I have to use the ol' pen and paper till I get back home tonight and finally update my points.

You wait ... weight watchers are gonna pay for this!!!!!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Busy bee

Weighed in this morning with a 300g loss. Like I said in yesterdays post, given my week I am really happy with that. It was one of those weeks where I was just too busy to focus 100% on my weightloss like I usually do and went into a treading water mode. Doing those things that I have made habit and not worrying about the extra walking/water that I normally have to strive to achieve.

My evaluation for the week ...

Week ending 6 June, 2007

+/- this week: - 300g
total points used: 166/168
bonus exercise points earnt: 22pts
total steps for the week (exercise + work): 29,000
number of days exercise: 1
tracked: 7/7 days
water consumed: 9 litres/14 litres
sugar points: 28.5pts

Reflections ...

  • total points used were good, even coming under my total allowance
  • bonus points (including incidental steps) were down slightly but knew this given I couldn't get out to walk much this week
  • water was down and sugar points up

Onto another positive and constructive week!!!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Happy Birthday Jesurun!!

Sorry for the lack of updates ... I've been out of action for the past few days. With Bill being sick and it being the long weekend here, the shop has been crazy busy so I've been work, work, working!!!

I haven't done any walking this week, just my incidental steps. I just didn't have any spare moments. But that's ok, I'll get straight back into it this next week.

It's Jese's birthday today. He's five and officially off to school. There's been three school visits so far but only for a few hours, today he's there all day. Funny thing is both Bill and I had it in our heads that his birthday was Thursday. (how bad a parents are we??) It wasn't until I realised last night that it was the 4th, therefore tomorrow was the 5th ... Jese's birthday... that we both realised. So you can imagine his surprise when we told him last night that his birthday was in the morning and he would be off to school. He's been nagging us for the last six months saying "Is it my birthday tomorrow?" Next day "Is it my birthday tomorrow?" Then suddenly for him ... IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY TOMORROW!! He did this little jig of excitement .... very cute!!

We all got up at 6.30am to have breakfast together before Bill left to open the shop. Jese got to choose his breakfast and he wanted honeypuffs and cream. Before I realised, they'd dished up some for me. I almost refused, I couldn't bear the thought of wasting points, but gave in knowing it was for Jese!

It made me realise how much my taste buds had changed. The honeypuffs were so sickly sweet!!! And the tiniest bit of cream was so rich. I could only get through half of the small serve I had. I felt just yuck!!

I asked Jese where he was going today given it was his birthday. After a long pause he replied "Lollypopland??" Awwww sorry Jese not today, maybe on the weekend. No you're off to school today. Funny, he didn't seem so excited at that.

Weigh in tomorrow. I'm in the state of mind that any loss is a good loss, given my big loss last week and TTOM arriving in the next few days. I won't even cry if it's a small gain after all I had no exercise this week either. Wait and see what tomorrow brings.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

2yr old tantrums

Not a lot to post about today. Friday night was a night out with a girls after work. Finished my day within points but probably had a bit too much alcohol and not enough food.

Saturday was our day off and we spent most of it hibernating inside. Bill was sick with a flu bug and he is so grumpy when he's sick! He must have really been sick too because he went out fishing in the morning and came back only an hour later saying he was too ill even for fishing.

In the late afternoon his grumpiness got to me and I told him off. He didn't handle it too well and stomped off to the kitchen. I heard him crashing and making noises but refused to go see what he was doing (stubborn chick that I am). So by 5.30pm he had dinner made (Bill never cooks dinners) And of course when he told me off for not helping him I threw myself into a paddy and refused to eat any of it. (silly children that we are!) End of the story meant that I ended up having 4pts left over for the day and we were both in bed by 8pm! Leaving the kids in the lounge watching Shrek.

Today we're both over our little tantrums but I've banned Bill to the bedroom until he feels better. Men just don't do sick well do they?

Friday, June 01, 2007

Bloggers get together

I had a full on stressful day yesterday so decided on having a planned binge. Sound weird?? I wanted to eat, eat, eat but didn't want to ruin all my hard work.

So for dinner I had my normal Thursday night TV dinner (5.5pts), 2 cobs corn and 2 of my favourite bubble and squeak potato hash browns (5pts) then topped it off with a ww trumpet icecream (2.5pts). When I'd finished my dinner I actually felt quite satisfied and didn't need the icecream ... so I didn't have it!! Wahoo bravo star for me! lol

I'm quite excited about Chris's organised midwinter chrismas party. I gingerly passed it by Bill last night, hoping he wouldn't mind me taking off for the weekend. To my surprise he burst into laughter. "What's so funny?" I asked. "I can just see it ... a bloggers get together!! A room full of computer screens where we are all typing messages to eachother!!" What a twit!!! lol

I showed Bill my progress photos this morning and he replied "Gee, you were a little podge before weren't you?" What??? I guess that's a compliment ... I think. lol