Friday, October 29, 2004



The dentist visit went fine and I'm at home resting up today. Soup for me all day. It's not as painful as my ear infection a few weeks back (that's my benchmark for all pain now). I had two stitches put in but it all went well.

Now if our life was written as a soap opera the viewers would write in and complain that it was too far fetched!!!! Honestly I really wonder at our life sometimes ...

For the last 6 days Jordan (4) has had diareah and vomiting. I've taken him to the doctor to be told he has a viral infection, nothing we can do, just take him home and give him a pat on the back. Then got charged $10 for it!!

So for the last week he has been waking up each night (around 10pm) with a sore tummy and either throwing up or running to the toilet with diareah.

Last night was the same ... right on the dot we heard his cry and went up to help him to the toilet in time. And somehow (I still don't know how it happened) but he missed the toilet seat and fell off onto the floor. After finishing he started crying histerically saying his penis was sore. Bill looked down and yelled to me to CALL AN AMBULANCE!! I raced upstairs to find blood pouring from his penis!! At first I thought it was coming from inside but on a closer look we realised he had torn his penis!!! Yeowch!!!!

When the ambulance turned up it was the same officers as last time (with Malachi). I felt like some hypercondriac, overobsessive mother!! But they were understanding and said we did the right thing. I have only ever called an ambulance 3 times in our lives and the last two have been in the last month!!

They took him and Bill to Tauranga hospital to have it checked out. He ended up having it "glued". He had torn the skin 80% of the way around his penis. To this day I still don't know how. This new way of "glueing" is like stitches but is tidyer and means the stitches don't need to come out. Fantastic idea!

Bill and Jordan arrived home at 4am this morning. He's currently tucked up asleep in our bed now (9.30am). I'm very proud of him ... he was a brave boy. I can only imagine how painful that would have been. Kinda puts it into perspective my pathetic wisdom tooth pain.

Lyn :)
SW 107.4kg
CW 73.8kg
WWGW 71kg
PGW 65kg

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