Tuesday, July 31, 2007


I'm off to the doctors at 3pm. Had a weird 'turn' on Saturday night that definately wasn't normal. I got a friendly telling off by my ambulance partner for not calling an ambulance. I tried to put it out of my mind, scared something was really wrong with me, but after her talk to me yesterday I've decided to get it checked out. Quite nervous about the whole thing. One of two options will happen ...

either ... I'll look like a total twit, over reacting about the whole thing

or ... it will be something more serious, in which I will be referred on to have an MRI scan to see what's going on.

To be honest, I'm scared shitless about it all but hopefully it's all nothing.

I'll keep you posted.


Back from the doctor ... Well it's not a brain tumour or stroke or epilepsy (big whew on that one!!)

He seems to think it's a form of migraine (even tho I didn't have any headache with it) ... bizarre!!!!

Basically what happened was I lost my central vision in my right eye and then my lost the ability to put words together in sentences, and confusion set it. Couldn't tell what time of day it was, couldn't understand conversation around me, couldn't understand written menu infront of me. Freaked me out!!!

He's sending me to a specialist in Tauranga ($400 bux later!) to get a second opinion but that what it seems like ... bizarre migraine!!

Weird!!! At least now I can sleep easy at night.

And I did a stupid thing ... because I thought I was dying today, I ate like there was no tomorrow!! Damn, stupid me!!!


**Mellisa** said...

Shit ... I hope it is just that you look like a twit ... and nothing serious!
Let us know asap... I am worried now!!
*fingers crossed*

Chris H said...

OOO scary moment there mate! I'm hoping it is just a migraine for you... though what a nasty one! Hope it doesn't stop you coming down either!!!! SOOOOO looking forward to seeing you.

Munzy said...

Hi Lyn

This is amazing to read. If you read my blog you will see that I have been through exactly the same thing, and had a funny 'turn' last night.

I have now had about 5 of these episodes (over 2 years), but the very first one started exactly like yours. Its such a trippy feeling isnt it? You know what you want to say, but you cant get the words out.

I dont get that anymore, just get the blurred vision (in my right eye) and I get numbness in my right hand, and my lips and tongue feel like they are swelling. I dont tell you this to scare you, just to let you know that if it happens again, and you get these symptoms, they WILL pass.

I also thought I was having a brain tumor and took myself off for MRI scans. My first one was in mud-hut/no transport, electricity or water Botswana - very scary, and this is basically the reason I ended up in hospital in Africa (its in my initial blog post). I was told that I was suffering from panic attacks but after a few more, and some visits to some 'real doctors' back here in NZ, and after a very costly visit to a neurosurgeon, he also told me they were a form of migraine.

If you want to email me directly about anything, please feel free to do so - I found the biggest help was talking to someone who's been through it, so here I am if you need someone!

This must be the longest blog post ever. Do you think so?!?!?

I hope you are feeling a bit calmer.


Munzy said...

ps - my email is jbrown50@hotmail.com

The Candid Bandit said...

Lyn, I've only ever had three migraines in my life and they started exactly like that. The onset was very fast and I was down like a tonne of shit.

Im really pleased you found out what they were. That's bloody scary isn't it?

Anonymous said...

OMG I went through the same thing 6 months after we got married (11 years ago)

Went through a MRI scan and lumbar punctures and went through 3 months of thinking I had a brain tumour until I got to see a specialist and he said it was a thing called Drusin.

I can totally understand how you felt hun and it was great that you went to the doctor about it.

I am glad that the doctor has put your mind at ease.

Big hugs hun.

Anonymous said...

P.S I hope that you are still going down to PN? Can't wait to catch up.


pointing the weigh said...

I suffer with migraines and sometimes I get the sypmtoms of migraines....the vision problems, the fuzzy vision, confusion, numbness and all the weird feelings but no migraine and then other times I get the sypmtoms and then (((BANG))) THE ((((PAIN)))) and then the nausea.

I sometimes get what I call migraine threats and that is when I get the sypmtoms in a slightly milder form but no headache and these threats will go on for a few weeks on and off and then (((BANG))) the pain which can last for a few days despite painkillers but like I said above I do get the sypmtoms reeeaaallly bad and no headache occasionally.

So you are not alone with the migraine symptoms and pain but they can freak us out when it happens the first time but now you know what it is if it happens again.

Hugs to ya

Kate said...

Glad to hear it's nothing serious, a migraine is so much better than a tumor!

Christine said...

Hey. Sent up a quick prayer for you today. Defintely a scary moment for you and I hope that everything turns out okay! Take care of yourself!

Sienna said...

Glad you are ok! Our bodies are funny things sometimes. Keep us updated!

Kathryn said...

You poor thing that sounds awful. Hope you are ok :)

Leighanne said...

Glad to hear it wasn't to serious..still scary though:)
Look after yourself xxx

Name: Lynise said...

mmm, I have also had a similar thing happen. Mine started with losing alot of vision (in my right eye) then getting a sharp pain in the right side of my head. The following day I found it difficult to swallow. I took myself off the doctor and after a visit to the specialist (two blimmin long weeks later) I was booked in for an MRI with a suspected brain tumour.
Over those weeks I had a range of other symptoms including difficulty to speak and being confused. The MRI finally came back and it was only then that they told me it definitely wasn't a brain tumour. I went for numberous other tests and finally (about 2mths later) they discovered I had a severely pinched nerve in the right side of my neck. I have on-going chiropractic treatment for this and hope to eventually be well enough not to need further treatment. At first I had to see the chiro 2 - 3 times a week. It then dropped to 1 a week, now its about once every 3 - 4 weeks.
Its cost a small fortune as there is no ACC or anything for my type of problem. I calculated that Warren and I had spent over $3,000 on my treatments, but I'm soooooo much better now. Vision returned, speech fine, swallowing all normal. The only sympton is headaches from time to time. When I get a headache or sore tense shoulders I know its time to see the chiro again. I hope you get effective treatment sooner rather then later as I nearly went mad waiting so long before starting something that actually worked.