Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Mojo appeared and granted 3 wishes

I'm very excited to say I was sooo good all day yesterday, sticking totally to plan. I don't know why but my mojo suddenly jumped before me again like a magic genie. And how glad I was to finally see him!!

I'd lost my motivation for the last few weeks. The first week I managed to fluke it at weighin but having it finally catch up with me yesterday was the best thing that could have happened.

It's like cheating in a test (not that I ever did that ... Pffft!! lol) When you don't get caught you have no reason to change your ways. So by having this gain meant I had to change my slack arse ways and get back to what I know I hadn't been doing but trying to get away with.

And there is nothing like the feeling of being back in control again!!! The lack of guilt when I wake up in the morning knowing that I did it right yesterday. There's no reason to jump on the scales this morning because I couldn't have done anything else better, therefore what the numbers say is irrelevant!

Jules made a comment yesterday about Bill's tantrum being his way of telling me he needed some special attention. Which is similar to what others said and what I felt myself. Well this morning he sidled up to me to suggest if he could go fishing, knocking off early, meaning I started an hour earlier. Jules words were fresh in my head and agreed he could go. He was like a little school boy "thankyou! thankyou! thankyou!!" "yeah, yeah, just don't be late!!" as I half smiled and kissed him goodbye. Boys are easily pleased huh?

I got the expected letter in the post yesterday informing me that I didn't get the job. Ohh well. Bill said to me later in the day "I'm glad you didn't get that job. You do far more around here than I realised and I don't think I would have coped if you got it" Finally, he is started to see things from my perspective.

So for today, the sun is out and life is good!!


Chris H said...

So glad things are good for ya! I didn't think your getting another job was such a good idea either, you have so much on now! Silly men, like little boys eh?

Anne said...

LOL - I was going to end my post on a similar note about the sun being out! Not getting the job - well I reckon it was meant to be!

jen said...

ahhhhhhh well at least you know that by not getting the job that you are more appreciated by Bill than you thought....thats gotta be good!!!

Keep the mojo happening....


pointing the weigh said...

I'm so pleased life is feeling good for you.

Oh tell me about it.....boys sure a like big kids, they just never grow up...although my dad always said "adults are just big kids" that was obviously what he was thinking because he is a male and he must think us girls are like the men.....NOOOOOOooooo WAAYYYyy- someone has to be sensible and if the men aren't then it is left to us girls...YEAH!

I am pleased you are feeling in control of your tracking.
You will have been concentrating on all your ambo exams lately rather than tracking and don't forget you were in situations that didn't allow you to track or exercise so considering everything I would say you have done fantastically well over the last couple of weeks.

Hugs to ya

Kate said...

Good Job on getting back on track. I think the motivation thief comes and steals all of our motivation at one time or another, but the important part is we eventually steal it back, and usually a gain on the scale is just enough to do that!

Also, like others have said, men are so easily pleased it's crazy, I wish I was that simple sometimes!

Christine said...

Bah - not to worry about the job! Glad you are feeling good and going good! You take care and enjoy the sunshine!

Tania said...

It was only a matter of time before your mojo returned! I liked your comment about knowing you did the best you could so there wasn't a "need" to jump on the scales! I've never thought about it from that perspective before.

Lol @ Bill - I think sometimes they need to think about what's going to be taken away from them before they realise how good they really have it!

celtic_girl said...

What will be, will be, the job was not meant to happen this time.One will come up that suits you.

Congratulations on your ambo awards as well.

Moby Dick said...

All things happen for a reason. It is their loss.