Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Lost my gain of last week


My gain for last week has gone again with a 700g loss this week. I said to myself at the start of this week that I wanted to have lost the 700g I gained last week plus lose an extra 100-200g. Well that didn't quite happen but I got half way there.

For those of you who are on to it you may have realised I'm weighing in a day early. I've changed my weigh day to Tuesdays now. It's a long story but basically my ambo roster has been altered so I'm now working Tuesday nights and Friday days. I figured if I'm up all night on a Tuesday I don't want to be getting up first thing in the morning on a Wednesday just to weigh and then go back to bed. So the easier option is to change weigh day to Tuesdays.

I've done well all week with my food and tracking except I slipped up on Sunday. I think it boiled down to having a whole bag of microwave popcorn (lite butter) which in itself is only 6.5pts but that managed to push me over for the day by ummmm .... 10pts!!!! woopsie! I managed to save 4pts of it back yesterday but ran out of days till weigh day.

It's ok I had a loss and that's all that matters. I put up my monthly weighin result on the side bar today and it's made me realise how much I'm slacking about!!! Only losing 1.5kgs this month!! That's like just over 350g a week compared to May/June I lost an average of 1.25kgs per week. This cold weather isn't really helping. I need to be getting out there and walking again. It's such a fine line between saying "hey a loss is a loss, be grateful" but using that as an excuse to be slack. But then if I'm doing this for life then maybe slow and steady is the way to go. Hmmm ... interesting topic.

I think I'm tipping over the borderline of being slack and too complacent. Must be time to kick myself up the arse again and get this weight off!!

Spider: you're comment was too funny!! I never thought about how the assessments might get harder each time ... you got me worried now, might need to practice that bridge jump. Anyone got a spare ambulance I can practice with??


Chris H said...

Woo hoo for a loss, and yes Lynn, slow and steady does the job just fine!

**Mellisa** said...

The scales are going down ... that is all that matters ....!!
You're on fire!!

The Candid Bandit said...

Do you know what? Im going against the grain here to say I really admire you for knowing the numbers, knowing you could have done better and pushing yourself. That helps bring yourself out of complacency (working on it myself).

Yes, a loss is a loss, but when you recognise you could have done better in particular areas it takes our head out of the sand and allows us to do better next week.

Congratulations on your loss!

celtic_girl said...

Spider taught me that coming to the "Dark Side"(in relation to myself)helped me with the complacency problem. lol

Good on you for dropping the 700 gms.

jen said...

woohooo the gain gone...and the scales on the way down again...keep it up !!


Kate said...

Congrats on losing what you gained! That can always be a challenge!

Lee-Anne said...

Yay, you're the comeback kid. Congrats on losing the gain and then some.