Sunday, February 20, 2005

Leptin ... interesting


Well shoot me down and gag me with a spoon!! My weight is down today, yeah like not just less of a gain after my blowouts on Monday, Tuesday but looking like an actual LOSS this week!

I'm agasp at this ... Monday had a blowout (planned, so ok)
... Tuesday had another blowout (unplanned, bad, bad, bad, didn't track)
... Wednesday ate reasonable good, made good food choices, did huge amounts of exercise, but still didn't count points
... Thursday, Friday, Saturday ... was a perfect angel, tracked points, ate wisely, saved 2-3pts each day and did exercise...

Now today, Sunday morning, the scales are down. Theoretically they should be up because I am actually over points for the week, well I don't actually know because I didn't track on those bad days, but I'm sure I would be over.

My theory on this is the Leptin article that I read about via Kimba's journal yesterday (thankyou Kimba!!). And Lynda has also mentioned it previously too. I kinda knew what it was about and my common sence worked it out to be that way but to actually have it explained properly is fantastic. I really recommend you having a read of it. The article kinda gets very scientific and analytical into the process of burning fat but overall it's some helpful info.

Basically, to summerise ... (and Kimba and Lynda correct me if I'm wrong here) ... if your food intake is too low your Leptin levels drop which effects alot of other things in your body (metabolism, thyroid levels etc) to tell them hard times are ahead and to conserve energy. But if you have what they call a "refeeding" day your Leptin levels will suddenly rise, and positively effecting metabolism. Of course if you kept eating higher and higher all the time, you would have gains but by having 1 or 2 high point days it raises your Leptin levels and tells your body to increase motabolism.

Don't everyone suddenly go eating heaps and not counting points because of this theory ... you'll all get me in trouble!! lol

But basically it solidifies the Wendie Plan theory in my head and shows why when I had a big calorie intake this week then went back to eating my proper points I am actually (at this stage... might all change by tomorrow) showing a loss.

Food for thought huh? What's everyone else's thoughts on this?

Lyn :)
SW 107.4kg
CW 69.3kg
WWGW 71kg
PGW 65-68kg

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