Thursday, January 20, 2005

They missed out on hungi


I'm feeling much more positive today. I'm ready to kick butt again. I don't know how many times I have to go through this up/down cycle! lol! It's the same everytime ... I have a gain, bury my head in the sand, decide that's it ... it's too hard ... then tell myself to stop being so stupid and get back to it, then bounce back again.

Monday night after weighin I had a friend staying with us. I was angry about my weighin result, so I bought a bottle of Bicardi and took it home for everyone to share. Part of it was "I'm so pissed off, I don't care about points, I'm going to have some fun" and the other part was saying "hey I've done well, I'll just have a couple of drinks to celebrate"

Well a couple of drinks ended up meaning between the two of us, my friend and I (Bill was drinking beer) We finished the bottle!!! The next day I was so disappointed in myself. I guestimated it at around 20pts for the alcohol alone (thank goodness I had it with diet coke) ... I gave up counting all my points for that day.

Then I went into the whole cycle of thinking I'm only going to be able to have 16pts each day to make up for it, now I've blown it again for next weighin. After an hour or so I gave myself a good telling off and realised today is another day. Yesterday can't be changed so I'm just going to get right back to it and forget about my points for yesterday.

And that's what I've done. My weight was up both Monday and Tuesday but today it's dropped back down again. I've drunken bucketloads of water for the past two days with the dehydration from all that alcohol and diet coke.

I tell ya ... I've been good ... no you don't totally understand ... I've been reeeeally good!! Like get this ... everyone has fruit salad and icecream for lunch and I make a salad & tuna for myself. Then everyone gets a hungi for dinner (I know hungi's aren't too bad but I'm trying to cut out starchy carbs (pototoes and kumeras) out of my dinner meal. But I went home and made myself another salad/smoked salmon/zuchinis & garlic/sweet corn. Funny thing was they stood in queue for over an hour, got to 3 people infront of them and they'd run out of hungi!!! LOL!!! So they came home hungry! HAHAHAH!! I know I'm mean! LOL Fish and chips was eaten instead while I enjoyed my huge healthy feast of only 3pts!!

I even walked to work and back (after being offered rides both ways!) I reckon if someone offers to take you somewhere yet you turn them down and STILL walk that you should be able to earn double the points!!! Or if you turn down food and eat something healthy that it should be worth half the points ... whatya reckon? Might approach Weight watchers on that one!! hehehe

So I am giving this 100% and getting this 600g off my butt finally ... for good!!

The retail therapy did wonders!!! I bought quite a few tops and shorts and they were ALL size 12! (I'm mostly a 12 but sometimes a 10, sometimes a 14) But it was 12 all the way that day ... yeah baby!!!

When I get a chance I'll get Bill to take some pics.

Well we're off to my mum and dad's today. It's a sad and exciting day all in one. We're going to the auction of their farm. The one I grew up on, spent my life climbing trees, making huts, crawling through the maze paddocks, creating mazes in the haybarn. So it's very sad in that fact but a relief to finally see mum and dad retire and stop working. They're both in their 60's and still milking cows night and morning. They're both showing the stress of still working. We've been trying to talk them into selling for years and finally they've agreed to it. So all the buildup of open homes and bidders registering and talking prices ... has finally led up to today ... the big auction.

Hopefully they get the price they want ... no I want them to get much more than the price they want!!

I'll letcha know how it goes!
Lyn :)
SW 107.4kg
CW 71.6kg
WWGW 71kg
PGW 65kg

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