Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Back ontrack

Sports Fan 2

It's amazing what one day back ontrack does to your confidence. I feel on top of the world again ... like I can really do this!!

I did everything perfect yesterday ... tracked everything, ate well, ate my fruit, drank my water, ate no lollies, no alcohol and exercised! Even saved 3 points at the end of the day. Wahooo!!

When I'm not tracking everything feels out of my control. Like I have no choice but to gain weight. I'm like a thick brick sometimes. I know what's right and what I should be doing but I get stubborn and lazy and stop tracking then slowly everything else starts crumbling. Tracking is truelly the secret to weightloss.

I had a cool moment yesterday. One of our staff saw my before photo. She had never known I was big before. She thought I was always this size. The photo blew her away and she said if I can lose weight so can she. So she's decided after hearing what I've done that she's going to start losing weight too.!! Now that's what this is all about. You don't need fancy words or lectures to inspire others ... you just need to show them with what youre doing and they will see in your actions and results. I feel like I've made a difference and that feels great!

I have a few hours off this morning so might take the time to go for a walk down the beach. So funny that we live so close to a paradise and don't get the time to enjoy it.

Alot of the crowds have gone home today now that the official public holidays have finished, so it won't be so hectic in the shop. The house has suffered while we've been so busy at work. Three kids are away at the moment and I'm starting to miss them alot. Jordan (4) is at mum and dads while Malachi (6) and Lauren (9) are at Bill's brother and his wifes in Nelson ... all until the 16th January. We just have Jese at home and the house is so quiet.

Well I'm off to relax for a bit before I start work at 4pm.

Lyn :)
SW 107.4kg
CW 72.1kg
WWGW 71kg
PGW 65kg

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