Saturday, January 29, 2005

It's over


The plan was for the three of us to meet at our house at 9am on the dot and to pick up number 4 on the way. We had to be back by 4pm (so Bill could go to the shop) so time was of the essence.

Got a call from friend number 1 to say she had to be late, had some personal things to sort out first. Eventually we had everyone in the car at 10.50am ... a little late but hey we were on our way!!

Got to Tauranga just before lunch so grabbed a bite to eat at Burger King ... yeah, yeah I know, sounds bad but they actually have some pretty low fat stuff there now ... impressive or so I thought!! Had a low fat spicy chicken baquette and side salad with a bottle of water ...

I just checked BK's website and their SO CALLED LOW FAT chicken baquette has 13.8g of FAT!!!! How can that possibly be low fat!!!! I'm horrified!! 8pts!!! Spose it's better than a BK Whopper at 37.6g of fat and 13.5pts!!! But I really hate choosing what I think is a low fat alternative and finding out later it wasn't actually low fat! Lucky I haven't had dinner yet so I can compensate.

Then we set off to get our piercings done. Finally getting up the courage to walk in only to be told the guy who does it wasn't in today!!! Argggghhh!!!

We knew there was another place down the street so off we went only to find out they didn't do them today either!! Ohhh noooo!!

He seemed to think their other branch 5mins drive away did them today so we made him ring through to check and he promised if they didn't we could watch him throw things at himself... that would have been a few laughs.

Sure enough they did so we booked in an appointment and off we went.

I told the girls on the way that I wanted to go first so I wouldn't chicken out and as I walked into the room and saw the big black chair and all the torture tools I got a bad case of nerves and said they could go first!! lol ... common sence quickly set in and I was lying on that horrible chair before my nerves could tell me to run a mile!!

Lucky the lady told me to take a big breath in and out making me concentrate on something else... then all I knew was I was letting out a humungous OOOOUUUUCHHHH!!!!! No petite feminine squeal or scream but a superman butch YEEEOUWCCCHHH!!! LOL And before I knew it ... it was over and everyone was ooohhhing and arrrhhhing like a mother giving birth to a beautiful baby!!!

Next it was my friends turn to get her nose piercing done. She lay in the chair all confident ... but watching that needle struggle it's way through her nostal and seeing her yell in pain and eyes water made me relieved I went first. I definately would have chickened out if I was made to see that!!!

We grabbed a few things at the supermarket ... all my salady things for the week, bought a Wendy's lowfat chocolo icecream then made our way home... reliving and talking about each of our experiences all the way home!!

We had a great time and I'm home now whimpering over my wound! lol but very proud all at the same time!! Jese's comment on sighting my new attirement was "eeeewwww" LOL!

Here's the evidence ... I DID IT!!! My medal for 2yrs of hard work!

Karen... I have to leave this one in for 3 - 5mths till it properly heals then I can change it over to the one Bill gave me ... just enough time to get to personal goal I think ... whadya reckon??

Lyn :)
SW 107.4kg
CW 70.6kg
WWGW 71kg
PGW 65kg

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