Sunday, August 12, 2007

Am I still on track??? ...

Time to admit I've been keeping a secret from you for the last 4 days. Yes for 4 days I've been doing the 'Ultimate Cleanse'. Initially I didn't want to mention it incase it didn't work ... but onto day 4 and I can tell you I'm seeing the results already!

It involves an 8 day program that you do once a year to clear your colon and bowels. The first three days is the diet only and on day 4-8 herbal tablets are introduced that do the bowel clearing. It doesn't just clear out the contents, but breaks down years of plaque buildup on the lining of the bowels. Once completed it's supposed to give you more energy, help with immune disorders like psoriasis, boils and migraines, lazy bowel (all of which I have) along with lots of other things, by allowing the vitamins and minerals in foods to be more easily absorbed into the body rather than having to be filtered through the plaque layer first.

And of course the major side effect is weightloss!! I could handle that! lol

The diet consists of just fruit and vegetables (no bananas or potatos) and acidophiles yoghurt ... that's it!!! It has been a real challenge for me but I'm so focused on this and knowing it's only for 8 days helps.

Initially I didn't think I would be able to eat all my points but interestingly enough as I've entered in my food to my points counter each day, all bar one day I've managed to eat all my points. And my food servings (fruit,vege,dairy,oils,water) have all been done too.

I was talking to a fellow ambo lady about it on Friday and she said it's very similar to the diet Middlemore Hospital puts their cardio patients on. That was good to know I'm not doing anything crazy.

  • Day one - I thought I was going to die from hunger!! My carb and gluten withdrawal was crazy!! All I could think about was bread, pasta, potatos ... basically anything I wasn't allowed to have!!!
  • Day two - I was busy doing ambo most of the day so it didn't worry me too much, but I did start to feel quite drained.
  • Day three - my energy levels went through the roof and all my cravings for carbs stopped (except when Bill decided to cook some garlic bread!! But I was good and resisted
  • Day four - I have that 'slim' feeling, amazing considering TTOM started on day two and should be feeling bloated right now! I start on the herbal tablets tonight, that's when the REAL action starts!!!

My bowel motions have gone from a normal of once a week (yep bad aye) to twice a day!! And that's before even taking the bowel emptying tablets.

I'm not going to tell you how much weight I've lost so far but I have lost ... I'll keep that good news for weigh day (Wednesday)

For any of you who want to read more about it you can here

I'm so excited about this!!!!


For some reason that link doesn't seem to be working, not sure why. I'll keep trying to sort it.


Sienna said...

You know Lynny, the bowel movement thing is debatable. Bowel movements are different for everyone, some people are twice a day, others a every couple of days. Our bodies are all different. Once a year I do a gallbladder cleanse which involves drinking olive oil and grapefruit juice and epsom salts. Basically you sit on the toilet for the weekend and pass literally thousands of gallstones. If you have never done one you would definately have gallstones. You can see them plain as day, as they float in the toilet bowel as they are porous like pumice stone. Worth looking into. Major health benifits too. Good on you for getting out of your comfort zone to do this cleanse. You will feel like a million bucks when it's finished!!

pointing the weigh said...

I like the sound of the cleanse, I think I might follow a cleansing programme also and I am going to have a look in our Health Food Store in the week for some herbal remedies.

I checked out the link to the web site....don't like the look of that poo although I don't like the look of ANY

Adam said to tell you "thankyou for the birthday wishes"

Have a good day hun

Hugs to ya

Tania said...

Oooh I have a feeling a BIG loss is coming your way this week! Takes discipline huh? But I really think these things are great for a clean out, motivational boost etc! Well done, off to check out the link now.

Tania said...

Don't know if it's just me but i can't get the link to work.

Christine said...

I did this last year prior to my wedding. I had a big loss as well - but of course put it all back on with the honeymoon! LOL!

Hope it works well for you! Interested to hear more.

Chris H said...

So, I am starting this tomorrow too.... but will hold off taking the tablets till after my surgery I think! But all this week I am going to do just fruit/veges and natural rice..... I can't wait to see how it works for you, weight wise and motivation wise.... can you email me your phone number ??? I would love to be able to text you on ocassions!

Moby Dick said...

I did not know that you can drink Epsom Salts. I have never done any of those cleanses and there is no doubt a ton of stuff that needs to get cleared out. I am going to check the pharmacy for one of those BM kits. I think I have seen them there.

pointing the weigh said...

The link worked for me cause I saw that horrible pa


Anonymous said...

i love detox! every january i do a two week one and it is just fantastic!

The Candid Bandit said...

Like Airlie, I do one once or twice a year. The difference is incredible and I generally lose5-9kgs over 15 days. (Internal cleanse from pharmacy).

Since doing them, I no longer like the way milk reacts with my body and carbs instantly give me water retention. My point is, I think you will really learn alot about your body!

Lee-Anne said...

I can't wait to see your results. I've been thinking this is something that I need to do for a long time now. If you can't get the link sorted, can you email me the details.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I may try this too.... I will keep an eye on your blog to see how you go!
Sue xx

Anonymous said...

Ok, have just ordered myself the cleanse... will see how it goes! And also keep an eye on how things are going for you!!
Sue xx