Thursday, September 30, 2004

Facing another fear!!!!!

So much has happened since I last updated on Monday ...

Tuesday I had the day off so spend the majority of it tweaking my website. I've now finished all the links on the right, including the 'cool links' page. I got the mouse rollovers working too, something I've been working on for a while. (hold your mouse over the link names and they will change then revert back when the mouse is taken off) Note: the first time you do this it will be quite slow but this should speed up the next time you visit. Although depending on your dialup speed it still may take a little while for it to work, just keep your mouse over top till you see it change (don't click on the mouse button tho)

Tuesday afternoon I had friends turn up for a visit. We spent a great evening together catching up. Just before they arrived I was eating my afternoon tea and my filling fell out of my tooth!!! I absolutely HATE dentists ... well not the dentists themselves but the pain they cause me!! lol I haven't been to the dentist in over 15yrs!!!

But with this filling falling out I just HAD to go because I had a huge canyon in my tooth that I could put my tongue into!!!

So Wednesday morning I did a ring around to find a dentist that had 'painfree' dentistry. I found one in Hamilton that advertised just this in their yellow pages advert. But on ringing them up they said that the 'painfree' part was an iv drip which had to be organised days in advance. I had to have this filling fixed today or I wouldn't go (yeah I'm a big chicken I know!). They said they could give me gas which would relax me. So off we went for a quick few hours trip to Hamilton. Dropped the kids off to mums while I nervously forced myself back in the car to the dentist .... I really didn't want to go but knew I had to.

I had to fill in a form on arrival and they said at the bottom to put any extra notes on the back ... so I wrote in big bold letters ... "Dentist phobic!!!!!" lol ... the dentist smiled when he saw it and got me to sit in the big chair that felt like it was swallowing me up ... I had the shakes I was so nervous!!! I told him about the filling that had fallen out, the black mark appearing on my front bottom tooth that was probably a hole going down under the gum line, the thick layer of plaque that had built up over the years on the back of my bottom teeth (which I was sure meant my teeth were going to fall out any day!), and the fact that I hadn't been in 15yrs so probably had a mouth full of holes!!!. Turns out the black mark on my bottom tooth was just a bit of tarter which he took off with a tooth clean, he removed the plaque from behind my bottom teeth and guess what? my teeth stayed in!! lol

Now going to the dentist is surreal enough but with the gas ... well that was a whole different story!!! To this day I'm certain the dentist and his assistant lady were doing dances around my mouth ... boogying to the radio music!!! It was quite bizarre!!!! But very enjoyable!! lol

He filled the hole (of course after numbing my mouth first) and then proceeded to inform me I had 5 further holes and a wisdom tooth that needed to come out. In my drugged up, 'happy world' state I said "Sure!, can you do it all now?" when he said "ummm no I've only booked you in for a half hour appointment, that will take a little longer than that" I promptly burst into tears!!! lol I said there was no way I would urge up the courage to come back again. He calmed me down enough and I realised that I hadn't actually felt any pain during my brief visit and that I actually enjoyed the feeling of this mysterious gas, so why not come back again?

I said what about tomorrow then? Ummm no booked up sorry. Friday? No booked. Saturday? No we don't take out wisdom teeth on Saturdays ... so in discust I said fine I'll come back another time then. I made an appointment for 7.45am the next morning to go talk to him about my xrays I had taken to see if there were any further holes and to see how difficult it would be to remove the wisdom tooth.

Probably just as well I slept on it because it didn't seem so daunting the next morning and infact decided to wait till we got back from Australia to have it all done incase it took a little longer to heal. I didn't want to be travelling overseas with a sore mouth.

So all in all I was pretty happy with only 5 fillings in 15yrs of not being at a dentist. And the dentist told me I had really healthy teeth ... yay me!! I almost asked him for a smiley stamp on my hand ... heheh!

So I think I have faced my Fear Factor and my next trip to see him won't be quite so nerve wracking. He's going to put me out to it so I won't know a thing until it's all over and done with and I'm getting all 5 fillings done at the same time as the tooth being taken out.

Now just to warn you all .... I don't want any horror wisdom tooth removal stories!!! I know how bad it can be (remember the event of Bill ending up in hospital last year with a wisdom tooth op going bad?) so for now I'm focusing on the positive and that my trip to the big, bad, ogor dentist actually was quite enjoyable!

ohhhhh ... and I got to pick up my glasses!!! wahooo!!! Feel like a trendy chickee now!! I took some pics today and put them in the pics above ... yeah like you hadn't already noticed!!! lol

So much for my quick few hour trip to the dentist ... ended up staying the night and only just got back now ... 36hrs later!! But the good thing is I can eat again now and other than the few holes I have in my mouth ... I have healthy teeth!!!

Things are really looking up now! I'm not pregnant, I'm losing weight, I have trendy new glasses ... and I have healthy teeth!!! lol

Lyn :)
SW 107.4kg
CW 74.8kg
WWGW 71kg
PGW 65kg

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