Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Not good I'm afraid

Had a 600g gain this week ... grrrr!! Taking me back to 79.6kg. I just can't seem to get below the 79kg mark for some reason. Oh well in 3 weeks time I will be back in Auckland and able to spend more on groceries to get a proper shop and better food to stay on track.

I've had a really itchy back lately. Right in one exact spot in the middle of my back behind where my bra strap sits. So I got mum to check it today and she said there's a mole there that has a red ring around it... SCARY STUFF!! I wanted to jump in the car there and then to go get it checked but couldn't with all the kids here at the moment. Will have to wait till tomorrow or the next day. If it is a problem one I didn't think it would be itchy. Hmmm ... not sure whether to freak out or put it out of my mind. I will go get it checked as soon as I possibly can. It's not like I spend much time in the sun either. I get really bad head stroke if I spend too much time in the sun so I tend to just watch from the shade. But in saying that I got burnt a few weeks back when we went to the beach for a few days. But surely I wouldn't get a malenoma from one sitting in the sun (and honestly that is the first time in quite a few years I have been sunbathing)

Kids are driving me barmy!!! Lauren has a friend over to stay today and tommorow ... so there are kids galore here!! Only 3wks to go before the older two head back to school and Jordan starts kindy!! yay!!! Geez I sound so mean don't I? lol ... I just hate the fighting and the MESS!! That also means for 3hrs a day I will only have Jese at home and I can go walking and to the gym!!

Found out yesterday that I only have one more Weight Watchers meeting before we shift! Next Monday is a holiday and the following will be my last. Monday 9th Feb I will be packing.

Not much other news to tell ... lets hope next weigh in will be better than this weeks!

Lyn :)
SW 107.4kg
CW 79.6kg
GW 65kg

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