Monday, September 15, 2003

Happy happy joy joy

Had a fantastic time away with the 'girls' (my sister, a friend and two of her friends) But ate way too much of the wrong stuff. I always tried for healthy alternatives and wise choices but I'm not very good at saying no to food when it is right in front of me or when it affects others (like when everyone is ordering dinner together) I guess I'm not very assertive like that. But turns out I did okay anyway.

I was feeling rather depressed about going to my ww meeting today but glad I did ... had a 400g loss ... very happy but the few bad choices I had may show up next week. For now I'm not going to worry about that. Just going to enjoy my lightest weight for the last 10yrs .... 81.9kg!!! Only 2kg to go to break that 80's barrier and become a 70's gal!! Then I'm on the home straight!! Then only 10.9kg to go to get to ww goal of 71kg.

Went shopping while we were away and tried on lots of wonderful clothes. I was very good at not buying any of them but still made me feel good seeing what they looked like on. Generally I'm a size 14 now (depending on the brand) Can't wait to get to the size 12!! wahooo :)

Spent my first day as a recorder at my ww meeting today. Bit overwhelmed by it all ... alot of info to take in and remember but hopefully with a weeks of observing I should get the hang of it.

So ww has a new 'flexiplan' huh? Not sure I understand what is different about it or how it is better but might give me something new to get excited about. Have to do some reading up about it to work it all out.

Off to get my slim 81.9kg butt to cook some dinner :)
Nite all
Lyn :)
SW 107.4kg
CW 81.9kg
GW 65kg

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