Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Healthy body image

Raise The Roof

Yay another 600g gone!! Bringing me down to 73.2kg :D and just 2.2kg to go to goal!! I really wanted to get to my lowest weight ever lastnight (72.8kg) just 400g off but wasn't meant to be. I'm happy tho, 600g is nothing to scoff at.

After reading someone's journal yesterday about the physical amount of weight we've lost I realised I have lost more than the weight of Jordan and Jese combined!! (34.2kgs) So I did a little experiment to see for myself. I carried round Jordan and Jese on my hips and I only lasted a few minutes before I had to put them down!! Wow they are heavy!! lol and to think I used to carry that much weight around everyday!!! No wonder I used to find it exhausting just to roll over in bed! Sometimes it's so easy to get caught up in the numbers but to actually see something physical that weighs the same as what we've lost really opens our eyes to our great efforts!!

I stayed for the ww meeting last night and they were talking about body image and how our mind takes a while to catch up to our actual image. That's so true for me. It's only been the last month or so that I've started to feel slim and stopped being so critical of myself in the mirror. I'm only just (after nearly 2yrs) starting to see myself as actually slimmer. I knew it in my head because the numbers told me that but it's the instant reaction we have when we catch a reflection of ourselves. For 22mths that reaction for me has still been a yuck feeling ... but now this last month it's become a "wow, look at her" feeling! lol Instead of turning my glance away ashamed to look again I catch myself looking twice or three times and a smirky smile coming over my face ... heheh! That's what weightloss is all about! :)

So my goal for this week is to lose another 500g bringing me lower than my lowest weight (72.7kg)

I'm feeling great!
Lyn :)
SW 107.4kg
CW 73.2kg
WWGW 71kg
PGW 65kg

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