Thursday, December 02, 2004

Advice galore! Thanks!!


Wow you guys are full of some great ideas!!! I've actually taken a combination of alot of your suggestions and come up with a plan.

1. I'm going to do up a chart for each kilo I've lost so far and also a star/reward chart for each day I go without lollies and stick it to the lolly counter (customers won't be able to see it). I might also include my fat photo on it. Then for everyday I don't have any lollies I get a star on my chart and will give myself a reward after a certain amount of days. That way everytime I walk past I'll see that instead of the lollies.

2. I'll continue to chew gum when I can.

3. Give myself an allowed amount of lollies every 3 days I go without.

4. I think a big thing is to break the habit. I was talking to Amanda about it via email and worked out it's not actually the lollies/sugar I want because I have chocolate and lollies at home that I never touch and it's not a problem at home. I think that it's become a habit that everytime I walk past I want to duck my hand in the jars. So hopefully by putting the chart up will be enough of an incentive to break the habit.

5. Continue to take rice crackers to work to nibble on all day

6. Bill has also talked about changing the layout of the shop to put the lollies in a pull out drawer under the glass top counter. This will make it a little harder to get to them and not so easy to sneak my hand into a lolly jar. He's doing it for space reasons but it suits my needs too.

7. Jules I did sit down one day and gorge myself ... that's when I had a 2.5kg gain the next day!! lol Don't think I'll be doing that again in a hurry ... hehehe

Wow, Katrina ... I don't know how you can do that (put a lolly in your mouth then spit it out). lol ... I have an instant reflex that swallows ... if something tastes good I just CANNOT spit it out! lol .. I'm impressed!

Lynda ... yes I spent the whole day testing out new tagboards to see if I could find a better one. I tried the one out that Jo uses but on changing the dimensions (making it wider and longer) it skew-wiffed it all so gave up on that one. Also didn't like the unchangeable colours on it.

I tried another one but spent 2 or 3hrs trying to get it looking right (right colours/size etc) and in the end it didn't look as good as this one. And it turned out that to get the 3000 character limit, they advertised, you had to actually pay for it. The freebie only gave 200 characters and it had popup ads (which I really hate) So after all my trialing out I ended up going back to the old one LOL!

I've been to the supermarket this morning to stock up. Always feel pumped after shopping with healthy food in the cupboards. Decided on having a BBQ tonight (hope the weather holds up) and cooking lots of BBQ veges along with our favourite Marinated Sirloin Steak (YUMM!!) ... I've got capsicums, jumbo mushrooms, zuchinis, tomatos, new potatos (with lite sour cream) and I'll do up a jumbo lettuce salad. That's one of the things I love about summer ... bbq food and salads. I figured since it's officially summer now I'm going to start having summer food (even if it's still raining!! lol)

We both have the day off from the shop today so I'm going to see if Bill wants to go for a big long walk this afternoon. I love doing that on our days off. We go find some bushwalk or park we haven't seen. It's so much fun!

BTW - Jules ... I'll tell you all the story sometime about how my cat pissed on my head!! Someday when I don't have so much else to talk about! lol

Well that's about all for me today!
Lyn :)
SW 107.4kg
CW 73.8kg
WWGW 71kg
PGW 65kg

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