Monday, August 23, 2004

Shoplifters ... grrr!!

Weigh in tonight. I've lost weight this week but last week I had quite a big gain. I didn't make it to weighin last Monday so even tho I know I've lost it will still probably record as a gain on my last weighin two weeks ago. But I'm happy with that ... at least I've pulled back would could have been a big 2kg gain to around what I'm guessing 800g gain. But as I always say I can never be sure till I get there.

Yesterday was a boomer day in the shop with our biggest turnover yet for the week. Although we had a few shoplifters which left a yucky feeling in my gutt. One Bill caught putting a snickers bar in his pocket. He managed to get a confession out of him and the snickers bar returned, which led to a total ban of him coming into our shop again. And the second I suspected but didn't catch. It's so sad that two episodes like this can put such a damper on so much positivity. As Bill says tho, that's life and there will always be theft in a store like ours, that's part of the reason dairies have to be so expensive on some items. Still makes me angry tho!!

But overall the day went well and Bill made me feel so much better after having a good talk through about it all.

I've found something even better than chupachups for stopping the lolly picking ... tictacs. They're small and I can have one in my mouth without any customers noticing.

We've had a huge amount of positive reactions to our store relay, so that's encouraging.

Thanks for the tips on the remedies, might give that one a try. i've been taking womans multivitamins to give myself a boost especially after I started getting coldsore symtoms.

I'll get some photos up when I can. The problem being I don't have a digital camera and my scanner is on the blink at the moment. But I'll try because pictures explain so much more than any flowery words can say.

I have the luxury of half a day off today thanks to Bill. So might spend the afternoon reading a mag or two.... Bliss!!

Lyn :)
SW 107.4kg
CW 74.7kg
WWGW 71kg
PGW 65kg

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