Saturday, August 07, 2004

Fun day in the rain

We decided yesterday morning we would go for a stroll. Half an hour into it we changed our minds and set out for a walk to Bowentown Cafe (what we thought would be an extra half an hour walk). But it turned out to be 13kms there and back!!!! lol

A nice walk all the same but when we walked back along the beach we were being chased by threatening clouds. It was a race home to get there before we got poured on. We lost the race and the thunderclouds threw their revenge on us!! A fun adventure tho, even if the kids got a little scared.

Lucky I had grabbed the kids jackets and an umbrella, although the umbrella threatened to tear apart with the huge gusts of wind that came with the rain.

But we got off lucky with only mildly getting soaked lol. And I earnt myself 10 bonus points. And even ended the day under my 20 point allowance without using any bonus points.

A very successful day. It's amazing how one successful day and inspire you to carry on so much!!

Lyn :)
SW 107.4kg
CW 75.1kg
WWGW 71kg
PGW 65kg

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