Friday, July 09, 2004

High fever and vomiting

Yay another 100g gone ... only a small amount but considering I was hoping for a stay the same I am appreciative of the small loss. And given its TOM this week I definately can't complain!

Now down to just 2kg to go till ww goal. And I tracked yesterday ... all day! I'm So Proud Though I probably didn't eat enough, coming in way under points.

My baby Jese (2yrs) had his immunisation on Wednesday afternoon and yesterday had a violent reaction to it with a 39.1 degree fever and vomiting. Feeling Blue Of course the doctors wouldn't admit to it being the immunisation as the cause but no one else has been sick both before or after. The good thing is his temperature is back to normal today and no more vomiting. When I rang the doctors yesterday they told me to bring him down straight away which I did, but on getting him there they just said keep an eye on him and continue to give him Pamol. I really hate it when doctors do that, like they really can't be bothered dealing with anything. Turns out he is fine today but certainly gave me a horrible shock especially with a fever that high!!

Made me appreciate his naughty ways today. Normally his naughtyness frustrates me but when he was sick, crying in such pain I just wanted him back to normal. My prayers were answered Smiley Shell

Organising shifting companies today for our big move. Just 17 days away!!! I'm going over to Tauranga tomorrow to look at a house. It's been really hard securing a rental house. They just go so quick. Before we can get over there to have a look they are gone! Hopefully this one will be the right one. It has 3 bedrooms, a fireplace and a dishwasher!! I'll keep you posted!

Lyn :)
SW 107.4kg
CW 73.0kg
WWGW 71kg
PGW 65kg

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