Monday, July 19, 2004


They say that shifting house is the second most stressful thing you can go through. Pulling My Hair Out And I'm starting to agree! lol

Ya think I woulda learnt my lesson here the last two shifts we did! But no, I'm putting myself through it again!! Lumpy lol

Can you believe it?? Just one week to go! That's it ... one week to get everything organised. Multitasking Although it's helping a huge amount knowing we have packers coming in. Nervous 2 I've never had that luxury before. We could never afford it. But I think it's money well spent!!

Ok confession time ... I've been bad the last week. I've secumed to the occassional comfort food. Fat Man 2 I usually don't have a problem with emotional eating. Infact it's normally the opposite ... I tend not to eat enough when I'm stressed but this week I have been bad!! I just want all this organising to be over so I can get back to routine. Just one more week to go!

Wanna hear a funny story??

Last night about 2am we heard scraping of cat claws on the roof. The cat was trying to get in our bedroom window (on the second storey) but kept slipping down the roof. Cat 11 So Bill got up and saved him by throwing out a pillow for him to grab onto. When he had him safely in his hands he said "Boy you're fat Chino, what have you been eating?". Petting Normally when he comes in he snuggles up in bed with us but last night he didn't. We thought that was strange so called him. But he didn't respond like normal. So we didn't think anything more of it and went back to sleep. Then we were woken up with a cat fight at the end of our bed!!!! We turned on the light to find TWO BURMESE CATS IN OUR ROOM!! Black CatBlack Cat 2 Exactly the same, but the strangers cat was fat and ours was skinny!! Bill had brought in someone else's cat!! LMAO!! It took us a moment to workout which was our cat! lol. We took pity on the intruder and took him down stairs and put him out the door. (we did have thoughts of putting him back out the upstairs window lol)

It was a horrible way to wake up at 2am but I had a chuckle about it this morning. LOL

Onto another day ... a successful one!!
Lyn :)
SW 107.4kg
CW 73.0kg
WWGW 71kg
PGW 65kg

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