Monday, May 03, 2004

Back to the 9-5

Looks like I'm going back to work fulltime. Much sooner than expected. It's a long story but basically Bill's job is turning nasty and he's been offered another fantastic opportunity but means taking a $20,000 paycut and losing the car. So either I go back to work or we lose the house.

We have looked at lots of options including buying a dairy but I think for the families sake the best option is for me to return to work. Jese and Jordan will go into daycare which I know isn't the best alternative but Lauren was in daycare for the first two years of her life and I think it did her good. She learnt so much and brought her out of her shell. Anyway there is no real other option except sell the house and that would mess the kids up more shifting schools etc.

I'm applying for a job in the CBD (central business district) of Auckland as a Graphic Designer. It's been so long since I have applied for a job, I'm quite nervous about it. Spent yesterday doing up my cv and I'll send it off to as many as possible today. See what happens.

We've got till midweek to find out if this new job for Bill is going to work out. I'm quite upset about it all really but our hands are tied.

TTOM turned up this morning ... geez great timing ... doesn't help with the stress loads. Probably answers why I'm so strung out about it all. Eating wasn't too good yesterday. Didn't binge or go crazy but didn't track either.

If I get this job we will actually be about $10,000 better off than we are now, even after daycare is taken out. So all will be good if ... ohh if .... I hate if's lol

Lyn :)
SW 107.4kg
CW 73.9kg
GW 65kg

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