Friday, February 08, 2008

This could have been me ...

20kgs lost in 52weeks makes an average of just under 400g a week. The weeks I've had a 400g loss sometimes I've been disappointed. Yet if I look at the wider picture ...

Having a small loss is only half of the celebration. Over 15mths I put on 50kgs!! That's an average of just under 800g gain each week ... every week for 64 weeks. Very possible to do if you don't care about your body.

So ... a 400g loss is not just a 400g loss but a potential saving of 1.2kg if I hadn't been watching what I ate!

I think sometimes we focus too little on the huge achievement of what NOT putting weight on is. That's a victory in itself and a very commendable one!! I hear people getting down on themselves because they have gone up and down over a year and maybe only lost a couple of kilos for that year ... but it's not just a couple of kilos that they lost ... it's a potential saving of putting on 40 odd kilos PLUS losing a few on top!!

And to think in the future ... if only we could do this (yet sometimes I think not). 20kgs gone this year (well I'm talking positive here that I'll make my mini goal in 3wks) then another 20kgs gone next year ... that will make me only 82.6kgs!! Ohh baby that figure looks fantastic!!

AND ... to think in a year if I hadn't restarted this journey I could quite possibly be (by going off the average weight I was putting on) by the end of next year ... scary figure ... 206kgs!!!! Hard to believe isn't it??? The picture above is a before photo of someone who was 206kgs.

OH MY GOD that is the biggest lightbulb moment I've had for a long time!!

Feels so good to be moving in the right direction no matter how slowly!!!


Anne said...

You wrote that so well!! Scary thoughts and so very true. Something for us or to think about.

I've got to a stage than rather beat myself up about not reaching goal, I'm proud I'm maintaining and believe me I do know the big picture of where I would be now if I wasn't trying.

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Omg... of course you are right.. I have many many times that people had only lost 2 kilos total over the year.... but that is an achievment in itself because of exactly what you said.. they could have gained 20 or 30 or 40 kilos in that time...
I know my massive weight gain cam on over a 12 month period when i was unwell... and trying to work out why I was gaining a kilo a week!!! friggin gluten ... how hard is it for gp's to work something like that out!! He thought I was just a greedy pig....
and tried whacking me on anti depressants... I knew there was something wrong!!
So yes... very well written and congrats on losing 20 kilos last year.. heres to another 20!!!

Chris H said...


Ally said...

Wow. what a way to look at it! So even on a weekly basis a tiny loss can be doubled and turned into a gain, and then it isn't so insignificant after all. You've certainly given me something to to think about..... thanks Lyn, well done and keep it up!

Lynda said...

I agree 100% !!! Losing a little far outweighs putting on a little over a long period of time - not that 800g was little! You'll be back to the old Lyn before you know it.

celtic_girl said...

Wow a great way to look at it and so true. I think we feel like failures because we "think" we dont live up to other peoples expectations or other peoples results.

Name: Lynise said...

ummmm, cuse me, but where did you find that pic of moir. ( I swear I feel that I look so much like that pic in my graduation photo that its scary) I was at my heaviest at the time and looking at my grad pic makes me cringe. (I only keep it because I know I want to always have a pic wearing the gown and cap but its so hard to look at that it would probably be better if I didn't have it).
I totally agree with not gaining is an achievement in itself. I so wish I found it easy to maintain but I know that as soon as I stop trying, I start gaining.

jen said...

wowwwwwww it does feel sooooooo good to be moving in the right direction...I do agree 100%...thats for showing that "wider" picture...!!

Anonymous said...

Slower is better in terms of lifelong changes. Staying motivated and keeping positive and on track in the long run is the most important

Jules said...

When I went to my WW meetings after having Phoebe there was a chick there who had been going for a year and lost 800g in the whole year. I was astounded that she would see that as successful as she obviously did. I verbalised that I thought that was a hell of a lot of money to spend on 800g. She replied with "well if I wasn't here every week I would be gaining so I see it as money well spent". I saw her point, okay she's not dropping a heap of weight (she was only about 15kg overweight) but she was most importantly not gaining.

Good work Lyn

Jaxx said...

Wow well that got me thinking..... and so true :)

Karen said...

So inspirational and so true! Thank you so much for a great thoughtful post! xx

Lee-Anne said...

You definitely have a way of getting your point across. I've often thought if I didn't keep plodding along where would I be now. Well done mate.

Now PLEASE email me your address.