Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Yep today this face is bothered!!!

For some stupid reason my weighin this morning gave me a horrible figure of 106.4kg!!! A 2.2kg gain for only 2 days bad eating in which yes I had KFC, a couple of extra drinks and minimal other bad eating.

Some of it may be fluid given that I'm drinking lots and not peeing much with the hot weather... who knows?? I certainly don't. I certainly didn't deserve that sort of result.

Then I found out this afternoon that a job I did on ambo is resulting in an official audit being done on me and my partner. I made a mistake that I didn't even realise I wasn't allowed to do and have found out many others have done, who also didn't know. The only thing I can say is now I know and any mistake I made was out of ignorance, not out of spite or misjudgement. Which is what I told my boss when she called me into her office to discuss it. I've said now I know and won't make that mistake again and at the end of the day at least the patient didn't suffer because of it.

Then I took Malachi to the dentist and got told that the accident he had with his teeth a few months back that had caps on have resulted in one of his front teeth dying and he needs a full root canal done. His tooth is already starting to turn black. It's going to take up to six months to do over 4-6 treatments because he is so young and his tooth is still growing. He won't be able to get a crown until he is 18-21yrs of age. I really feel for him having to grow up with a darkened front tooth. The dentist said he will bleach the tooth to try and whiten it but can't guarantee he can whiten it enough.

I also went to the doctor this afternoon to get a splinter looked at in my foot that has been there for the last 3mths and has become quite painful especially in my ambo boots. She scraped the heel with a scalpel to see if she could get it out and found out on closer look with her bionic glasses thingees that it's not a splinter but infact an ingrown wart!! In which there's not a lot she can do. She's given me the name of some acid stuff to put on it and I need to scrape it again every couple of days until hopefully it's all come to the surface and then (touch wood) will disapear... $60.00 bux later!!!

Grrrr!! Not been a good day!!! Bugger!!!


Chubbymum said...

Crap your day has been bad huh. Don't worry about the gain it will wash out next week IT WILL... over and done with now and it can only get better.

I had one of those and they are called Verruca (spelling??) painfull so and so's is that. But buy the pads and put them on religiously because they do work honestly. In grown warts... I used the corn pads and man it work and soooo glad that I don't have them anymore. Keep it up as they do go away but take a while.

Not too sure what to say about the job. You know you have done the right thing and that you didn't know before hand so don't fear it will all turn out right.


Anonymous said...

yeah - if you had kfc it would just be salt weight. Gone tomorrow probably (well some of it anyhow), just flush it out with a heap of water. My brother had a dead tooth and over time it faded, now you can hardly tell (he had it bleached a couple of times). Ouch - re the wart!

Chris H said...

Sorry you had a shit day mate... tomorrow will be better I'm sure! WEll I bloody hope so anyway!

Kate said...

Ah don't sweat the weight gain, I'm SURE it's just water weight, and others have said will disappear next week, and you will see a nice loss.

Sorry you've had a shit-ass day. *hugs*

Felicity said...

not a good day but you got thru it girl and the sun came up again fight on hun


Jules said...

Oh hun, we all have days like this and do you know what, they exist to make all the other days seem so much better!!

As for the weight gain, KFC is so bloody salty that you are bound to retain fluid after eating it.

Cheer up, cheer up, the sun is red!!

Nona said...

You are cracking me up with these photos!!!

Sorry you had a rotten day. {{{Hugs}}} Sometimes it just piles on . Doesn't it?

I don't think that weight will stick. It's probably just bloat. You couldn't have done that much damage in that short a space of time.

Sounds as though that issue on the job was one that a lot of people needed clarifying and I hope the reviewers understand that.

It's such a shame about Malachi's tooth. Poor darling. Hopefully the dentist will be able to minimise the effects.

An ingrown wart??? WTF!!!

Hope the sun comes out tomorrow!!!

Anne said...

All happening for you at the moment.

Don't be too upset about the gain - it will as the others have said a bit of bloat and fluid and soon gone again!

Shame about Malachi's tooth - although they can do incredible things nowdays.

Hope the ambo thing gets sorted - keep smiling:-)

Name: Lynise said...

Hi Lyn,

Evianah had a similar issue with her tooth that she broke back in Nov.

I took her to Auckland as my sister is a dentist and her b/f an oral surgeon so I trusted their advice.

I don't know if every situation is the same, but Evie (sister) put a cap on Evianahs tooth and we waited to see if it went black. If it looked like it was going to die her b/f said he would do a root canel and put a porcelein vaneer over the top so that none of the back showed through.

Fortunately she seems to have come through without needing this option as both teeth that were damaged have remained white, but I know how you will be feeling as I felt terrible for her that she could possibly lose her lovely white teeth at such a young age through to one bike misadventure.

Linda J said...

Hi Lyn - had to post a comment in response to your Malachi's tooth!

I recently went through a few months of root canal on a front tooth (I'd apparently sustained a knock at some stage that had killed the nerve).

Anyway, the final treatment I very recently had done was to have a bleach compound inserted into the actual canal - to whiten the tooth from the inside. No veneers, no external bleaching.

It's worked fantastically, and you can't even tell the tooth isn't actually 'alive'.

Worth enquiring about! Good luck.

Tania said...

It doesn't rain but it pours! What a lot to have to deal with for one day! I know i'm a bit late in commenting so won't add my advice because i'm sure those scales are already moving in the right direction again.