Saturday, March 31, 2007

On the bright side

I watched an interesting episode of Oprah last night, about a philosophy I've always believed in and tried to live by. Basically stating that there is a law in the universe that states energy is attracted to like energy. For example if we output positive energy or positive thinking we will attract positive things into our lives.

I know that when I made a conscious decision to change "me" a few months ago I stopped going on the downward spiral I was headed down and slowly began climbing back up. And I stopped waiting for everything else around me to change first. Often we say to ourselves if only my job was better or if only I had more money etc, I would be happy. But if I say I'm going to be happy, I choose to be positive then gradually bit by bit life becomes a nicer place. Alot of this also has to do with gratitude. If we become grateful for what we do have then we output positive energy.

One thing to note is that this decision can only come from within. You can't tell someone to be happy if in their own head they don't want to. Likewise, you can never tell a person suffering from depression to "snap out of it". It is only something we can choose for ourselves.

On the day I decided enough was enough with my weight and I was going to change I really didn't feel like changing. And for the first day after I still felt down about myself but there was a twinkling of "hey I'm not going to get any fatter, I may not be slim yet and have a very long way to go, but at least I'm not going to get worse"

I agreed with Oprah's point about finding the lessons to be learnt in every bad situation being the way to find gratitude.

My example:

The fact that I put all my weight back on and now have to lose it all again means ...
  • that I now have empathy for anyone else going through the same situation.
  • I am not so obsessed about the exact result on the scales each week and more wanting to change my lifestyle rather than follow a "diet"
  • I learnt that I am a comfort eater (contrary to my thinking last time I lost weight) and therefore can learn to recognise the signs and put in place mechanisms to stop it
  • I already have a wardrobe full of beautiful slim clothes waiting for me to fit into
  • I have stopped being the "diet goddess who knows all" and see overweight people in a kinder way
  • I have learnt more about "me" and the inner reasons behind my weight

Wow that felt great!!!! It really works!! I highly recommend everyone to do this and see how you feel. Write down something bad that has happened to you, be it big or small, and list down all the positives or lessons learnt.

Man am I pumped for today!!!


Chris H said...

Well go you! I love to hear someone who is being/feeling so positive... particularly when I am too! Now, if I was in a shitty mood today, I'd probably want to drive up there (yep, it's a long way) and bitch slap ya! Or maybe not.... have a wonderful weekend chick....

Zanna said...

I agree totally. It's also like if you're feeling a bit ordinary but you tell everybody you meet that you're great and pin a big smile on your face, you suddenly realise that you do in fact feel great. Harnessing the power of positive thinking is amazing - you can make yourself do and believe anything. And sad though it is, I believe we do in fact need to have a couple of ups and downs to teach us a little bit of humility and as you say empathy. Great to hear you feeling so full of life and purpose.

Anne said...

Your example was great - you really have learnt a lot about you. Great positive post Lyn.

Took time last night and read the past 18 months of you life, you've been to hell and back and great to hear you being so positive and full of life!!

jen said...

Love the post, so honest and positive.


Name: Lynise said...

Oh my goodness. I can't believe its you. I just saw your comment on Mandy's blog and clicked to see who you are. I didn't for a minute think that 'Lyn' would be 'the Lyn'. You were the first blog I ever read, (and actually read the entire thing which took over 3 hours) when I first discovered it. I think I read everything you and Jo (wishuponakiwi) wrote and am so sorry to hear you have had such a tough time over the past year and a half, but I am so pleased to see you back.
I actually popped into your shop about 2 years ago but you were not there. Your staff (a young lady) told me you were not working that day, so Warren and I went across the road and had a coffee. (we were visiting friends who were holidaying at the beach, but I didn't want to be right there on your doorstep without saying 'hi'. I don't know if you were ever told that someone had popped in, but it was me. (in case you were wondering). lol

Jules said...

I watched part of that too, was too busy reading blogs and missed the first half - damn it. Very keen to actually see the DVD or read the book. I think a friend has the book. Funny thing is I had just pulled out a book called ultimate health, 12 keys to abundant health and happiness, and was doing just that, being positive.