Wednesday, March 28, 2007

You've done so well, don't give up now

I've been very resorceful this morning and made a HUGE pot full of point free soup to freeze. It started off with Bill asking me to make something with the left over celery from the shop and grew to filling a 15 litre preserving pan full of vege soup.

I found a new blog yesterday of a lady who had lost HEAPS of weight already, over 40kgs infact. I was so impressed that I read her journal from start to finish, over 2 years worth of entries. She had me so inspired!! But the interesting thing was in the last few months I noticed her entries had changed from focusing on where she'd come from to focusing on the last few kilos that wouldn't budge. She felt so frustrated and unmotivated. If only she could see the big picture again of what a fantastic achievement she had already accomplished. Sometimes it's hard not to focus on the next kilo that won't move and get disheartened.

I remember when I had put on 5 or 6 kilos I felt so fat, like I was back at the start again. Looking back now I so wish I only had 5 or 6 kilos to get back off again, rather than the 50 or so I have to lose now.

It's all about perspective. Sometimes we need to appreciate everything we've done instead of getting down about the numbers on the scales that week. In the big picture one weeks loss or gain is such a small part over the whole journey.


Anne said...

Great post Lyn - we do forgot how far we've come, it's always good to sit and take a look back.

Enjoy that point free soup:-)

Lee-Anne said...

You're right sometimes we do forget how far we've come.

Point free soup. I think that was the first thing I ever made after joining up ww the first time years ago. Have a great day.

Zanna said...

So true Lyn, we need to cherish ourselves and really value our accomplishments. It's the whole half empty - half full thing - I'm lucky I'm a half full person - one of life's great optimists and positive thinkers. I guess one of my hopes when I comment sometimes is that I can in some small way help other people to be a little bit more optimistic and kinder to themselves.

Anonymous said...

Wow reading this post it soooo makes me think about what I am doing to myself....

I am yoyoing at the moment and I am focussing on getting to the 35 kilos that I sometimes forget that I have lost 33 kilos and I did it and look at how far I have come.

Thank you for the thought provoking post...

Hmmm point free soup! Winter is going to be so nice for that. I have to sort out some soup for me.

Woohooo you are back!! Love reading you again.

Love CM