Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Plate licking syndrome


It feels so nice to be among friends again. Thankyou to those of you who posted lovely comments!

Some of you may be wondering why I would be so open. Up until now all these thoughts have been in my head and I haven't actually sat down and written out everything that had happened over the last year. In doing so was actually theraputic for me. I liked Julie's comment about being a diary that talks back. That's exactly it.

I'm in the excited mode of the program at the moment where I stick to my points rigidly. The bad side of this is when I go wrong my habit is to blow out. So I'm concentrating on not letting this happen.

I did perfect all day yesterday until I was dishing up the rice. I had allowed for 1cup of rice for dinner, but do you think I could stop the spoon going back into the leftover rice for more? Awww just a little bit more, ok maybe a bit more. For goodness sake, it's only rice!! Not like it yummy cabanara or anything. And do you think I could stop when I got full??? Hmmm, well almost! lol I did stop before my plate was licked clean but I should have stopped even sooner. I left probably a quarter of a cup of rice. I guess that's a start. Next time I'll try a little better.

The good thing was that I didn't think "stuff it, I'll have some icecream now too"


Zanna said...

Hi, So excited to see you back. I was one of those who read your last blog and was so sad when you disappeared and often wondered how you were doing. I'm off now to read about 'the gap'. I didn't have a blog back then - you were one of the people who inspired me to start one. Looking forward to following your adventures again.

Chris H said...

Gawd, I can hear myself say just that "stuff it I'll have ...now", we are all the bloody same eh? It's a never ending battle, we just have to keep on working on ourselves. It is worth it.

Jules said...

I'm always guilty of being over generous on my serving sizes. As for the diary, the only problem is you don't always like what the diary has to say when it talks back. I think this blogger community is brilliant but at times I think that people can be a bit too supportive when they really want to give you a kick up the butt. (Chris H is always a good one to be relied upon to say it how it is). The reason I say this is I left WW for the reason that I found no accountability and, when I first started blogging people used to be a lot more upfront with their comments. Now there are a lot more "flowery" comments. Is this making sense?? I just like people to be upfront so I'm just letting you know, in a round about sort of way, that I will always be upfront with you and would love it if you would be the same with me. And, at least you didn't have the icecream urge, that's a good start.

Lee-Anne said...

I have always thought putting ones thoughts into written words is very therapeutic. It makes you be heard and be able to voice your real thoughts and helps you to make sense of the madness that goes on in everyday life. Don't stop.
I have many journals and letters.

Well at least you didn't lick the plate. That's a good thing, right. lol. Let's face it there could of been a lot worse things you could of eaten eh? Have a brilliant day tomorrow.

jen said...

Great to hear you didn't lick the bowl, writing things down, recording and tracking erverything does help. I found when I didn't I was the same as you, "stuff it" I'll be okay...its only a little bit!!!
Good luck, keep at it...we are worth it!!
