Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Tis the season

Isn't it amazing how the stress factor at Christmas time flows onto everyone. The restaurant across the road had a new menu starting and being their produce supplier we needed to get lemongrass ordered. We tried to get it three days in a row on our produce order from the wholesaler and everyday even the wholesaler couldn't get it.

We rang round all the supermarkets in the area, the produce shops, growers, nurseries ... even hardware stores. We just could not locate any!!

On telling the chef from the restaurant the bad news, she threw her arms up in the air and walked out before we could even tell her how hard we tried to get it. But I guess she really didn't care about that. All she was probably thinking of was the stressed out guests throwing their arms up in her face because something on the menu wasn't available.

This consequently put Bill in a stressed out mood and of course he threw his arms up in the air at the poor rep who informed us that there would be no deliveries of his product of the Christmas/New Year period. He probably carried on the tradition to the next person that stressed him out.

It's amazing how we react to someone can totally change their day both good and bad.

This reminded me of a personality quiz we did at ambo training one night a few weeks back. Everyone is basically divided into four personality groups ... melancholy (green), phlegmatic (blue), sanguine (yellow) and choloric (red). I find this subject fascinating!!

I found a quiz on the internet to find out what you are. I came back as a laid back phlegmatic while Bill is a raging red choloric. They say that generally speaking people are attracted to the opposite side of the spectrum. Cholorics and phlegmatics are opposites as are Sanguines and melancholies.

You can take the test here to see what you are.


Nona said...

It's such a shame. Christmas is supposed to be joyous but it is just the most stressful time ever. Your description of how it's passed along was perfect.

I LOVED this personality test thingy. I think it nailed me perfectly. I am a melancholy choloric. LMAO!!! Which essentially means that I alternate between feeling suicidally depressed and raging like a lunatic. LMAO!!! Sums me up in a nutshell!!!

Okay, seriously though, this was great. I'll have my honey take it when he gets in, bet he's sanguine.

Helena said...

I'm a sanguine, pretty much nailed me :)

Zanna said...

I'm fascinated by personality types too - try some of the Myer Briggs type ones - really interesting stuff. Just catching up on all your news - you are doing so well - it's been a big year for you but a good one when you consider all you've achieved between ambo, weightloss, getting your ankle fixed. Take a bow!! So sorry we didn't get to catch up this trip - would have loved to get together for a chat - maybe next time. Take care Love Z xx

Jules said...

I'm sorry, but who changes their menu right on Xmas when everything is hard to source??

I'm off to take the test but firstly - WTF is that profile pic doing??

Chris H said...

STRESS!!! STRESS... don't talk to me about stress... fuck it I'm so over it all!!! I tried to buy frest mint today, looked for 3 whole hours and then gave up! I'M BACK!

Christine said...

Thanks so much for your kind comment. It's been a tough week for me - and its so nice to check my blog and see such caring people. I very much appreciate you sticking with me and keeping an eye on my blog. (((hug)))

Anne said...

Silly season - sometimes brings out the worse in people. (hey that photo is better!!!)