Saturday, December 29, 2007

A life was saved ...

I don't like to make a practice of talking about my ambo jobs on here because of privacy issues. But this one is very special to me and I won't be mentioning any names or private details to identify the person.

I woke up this morning and decided to do a full simulated check on our defibrillator (shock machine) and put fresh batteries in it. It hadn't been used all week so theoretically could have got away without doing it ... but that gut feeling told me to do it anyway.

Just before midday the pager went off and I saw it was chest pain. Normally this would make my heart race, knowing the potential danger... but today it didn't. I remained calm and quickly headed out the door towards the ambulance, picked up my partner on the way and got there in no time flat.

Walking in I got a brief history of what lead up to him calling an ambulance and on taking the vitals he seemed fine. But ... his description of chest pain he felt left me with an uneasy feeling. On giving an update to COMMS I listened to my gutt feeling and called for an Advanced Paramedic. As we gave him oxygen his pain level disappeared and as the second ambulance turned up I started to think I was being extreme on calling for backup.

The paramedic arrived and I did a handover to him. Then the patient felt like being sick so I reached for an emesis bag and as I did so I heard the paramedic say "He's arresting" ... For the last year I have been doing test after test, study after study on how to deal with this situation... and here I was dealing with it in person ... here... now!! ... No time to panic or fumble!! I had to get it right!!! The next few moments were a blur ... I reached for the bagmask, someone asked for scissors which I grabbed from my pouch ... someone was doing compressions, another pulling out defib pads and putting them on the patient. I was asked for an OP airway (piece of equipment I'm not going to go into here) which I tried to put in but couldn't because of body functions, so was asked for naseopharangeal airway... grabbing for what I thought was it, hoping like heck it was it... yep I got it right... handed it over ... then I heard "he's coming back! Yep we have a pulse!!!" The next few minutes were relief and panic and ... oh my friggen goodness ... I can't believe all that happened!!

My absolutely feel good moment was when the wife said from the front passenger seat "he's talking!!!" And the look she gave me of complete relief ... that was it, that was the moment that made that last year of hard study worth it all!!! No more gratification was needed, that one look did it for me!!!

I then had to drive the Paramedic's car behind the ambulance to the hospital 40minutes away with flashing lights and a few hairy moments with cars both sides of the road and us going down the middle.

He made it to the hospital ... oh my God I saved someone's life today ... like REALLY saved them ... if I hadn't listened to my gutt feeling of calling for backup one person might not be here tonight!!!


Chubbymum said...

OMG I can't think of words... AMAZING... Well done hun.

Love Chubbymum

Anonymous said...

ncie work babe! well done! if i arrest - i want you! might take a bit longer to get to broken hill oz though right?

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Omg... well done girl... thats amazing..and something I know you wont forget in a hurry...

Kate said...

Wow, what an awesome day! Congrats, I'm sure it's something you will remember forever.

Chris H said...

Well done woman! You trained, you worked hard and it paid off for that lucky man. Keep it up, you are a lovely girl.

Name: Lynise said...

wow, I can't imagine the adrenaline rush you must have had and so pleased the outcome was a good one.
As I've said before, I don't think I'm the type of person who would be cut out to keep a clear head under pressure like that but thankfully we all have different skills and there are people like yourself who have the ability to do such a demanding and nerve wreaking job.
Jobs like that should be paid (like they are in America) I amazes me that the govt don't think work like this is important enough to pay people for all the time and committment they put into this.
I won't get started on a political rant, except to say that I see the back benchers have given themselves yet another annual pay rise while the rest of the public servents go another year without one. (grrrrr, it is frustrating though) (would love to see them volunteer their time for nothing for a change. (yeah right, that could be another tui ad)

Tania said...

Well done Lyn! That's why people like you do jobs like these - becaus you make a difference, be proud of yourself, you deserve to be.

Jules said...

I love that the look from the wife was your gratification because that is what you have studied your butt off for - to save lives and help husbands be there for wives.

jen said...

Awesome isn't it ?? Its a feeling that stays with you deserve to be proud.

Zanna said...

What a lovely post to read - and you must be so happy and proud - and deservedly so. Your community is so lucky to have you. Love Z xx

Chubbymum said...

Happy New Year hun..

OMG guess what on the 26th to the 30th we are at Athenree woohoooooo so if ya wanna catch up it would be lovely.

Love Chubbymum

The Candid Bandit said...

That was a beautiful post!

It may sound weird coming from someone who has never met you but I am very proud of you.


pointing the weigh said...

That brought a little tear to my eye. BLUMMIN FANTASTIC!! AND EVEN MORE SO - BLUMMIN WELL DONE!!!!!

You are SOO worth your weight in gold!!


Lots of love and hugs to you and yours all the way from me and mine in the UK XX

Nona said...

WOW!!! Well done Lyn!!! You saved a life and that is nothing short of amazing!!!

I'm really glad I found you and I look forward to reading more of your wonderful adventures and successes in 2008, not to mention seeing your wonderful bracelet ;p