Monday, December 10, 2007

Put your foot down... how fast can you go??!!

Thanks for all your wonderful compliments!!

Bill reckons his gain this week was due to constipation!! And now (apparently) his bowels have started working again. So he reckons he'll be in for a good loss next week and leave me for dust! Bring it on I say!!

The challenge is going to be tight this next week. I have TTOM arriving soon and I always struggle with food choices the week before. I seem to be forever hungry and craving sugary bad food. I have a plan set in place with lots of easy meals organised that I don't have to think about.

Oooooh!! And I forgot to tell ya about my ambo shift on the weekend. I did my first P1 drive (lights and sirens) with a patient in the back. Normally we only have lights going on the way to a job and not after picking the patient up... unless the patient is REALLY sick. This P1 drive was from Waihi to Waikato Hospital (1.5hrs away) travelling at around 130kms!!! Trying to keep it smooth and steady because we had up to 4 people in the back working on the patient. Very tricky thing to do, drive fast but not swing everyone around the corners. Got a compliment back from the Hamilton Advanced Paramedic that I did really good on my driving. At a couple of bends I threw some people off balance so to hear back that it was a difficult drive coped with very well was great.

It's also the first time I've seen a true 'resus' team set up at the hospital. We were ushered through some double doors and greeted by 8-10 people gloved up and ready to go. Watching them work in such a synchronised way was mind blowing. Each person had their job and even though they were working in such a confined space no one got in anyone's way. Absolutely awesome to watch!

Ambulance work is starting to wind up at the moment with more jobs and jobs more serious. It's amazing the effect Christmas has on society. There is more stress, meaning more sickness, more tension, meaning people are making silly mistakes. Less money, meaning people are not going to the doctors for minor things and waiting till they turn major. And generally more people around this area with some towns growing ten times their winter population.

Wonder what next is round the corner?


Kate said...

I say he's full of it, and your totally going to leave him in the dust ;)

Name: Lynise said...

Hi ya luffy,
I've finally landed in the BOP.
Have had an exhausting week with so many things not going too smoothly. Plan on slowly unpacking as I feel the urge (lol) as just need a few cruisy days to get some energy back.
Think I have driven past the Rd down to Waihi Beach about 10 times this week as I've had to make unplanned trips back to the farm.
Must make plans to catch up soon, you know your always more then welcome to come for a drive here if you feel like coffee. I'm up Esdaile Road which you have probably seen sign posted on the Tauranga Road a million times.
So lovely to finally be here, my new pad is great and I know I'm going to love it.

In regards to the hair raising ambulance drive, rather you then me, the speed sounds ok, but only in the comforts of a car. Those beasties do not look like they are easy to drive at all.

**Mellisa** said...

What a great idea to have your hubby challange you .... I wish mine would. Instead he will eat chips in bed while watching TV!!! Shithead!!! lol
I am glad to hear you are still on track ... I wish I was the same!! I feel like shit but am in a shit food frame of mind!! aarrgg!!!
I know what you mean about the ambos being busier at Christmas .... we work on the main street of our town and the Warrego Highway is at the end of it .... the ambos fly past so often it sends chills down my spine. I hate that sound.
When my kids hear the sirens they say "oh no mum, someone is badly hurt" .... *shivers* You are one strong woman Lyn!!

Have a great week and blow that man out of the water this week!!! lol

Anne said...

Having a giggle at your challenge with Bill. Hope you win this week! LOL - Maybe you can give him something to keep the constipation a problem.

The photo..... you are so pretty - why don't you put a 'normal' one back of you!

Anne said...

Having a giggle at your challenge with Bill. Hope you win this week! LOL - Maybe you can give him something to keep the constipation a problem.

The photo..... you are so pretty - why don't you put a 'normal' one back of you!

Anne said...

That's better - LOL!!!!!!!