Sunday, March 13, 2005

2 successful days

Bath Tub

My day went really well helping mum with her furniture. We had a few hiccups when we realised at 4.45pm that one truck had delivered their furniture to the wrong address ... 223 instead of 233!!! I walked 5 doors down to see mum and dad's table, 8 chairs and 2 lounge suites sitting under their deck!! I tried to talk mum into the both of us carrying it the 100mtrs to their place but she wasn't too keen on that. We managed to source down a trailer (albeit a very small one) to put the furniture on. So I had our car and trailer down at the neighbours place ready to load it all on with the help of the lady living at number 223. I was nervous about putting it on the trailer incase it got scratched. Lucky as we were about to lift the first piece of furniture the truck turned up again. Their boss had told them to turn back and fix the problem (they were half an hours drive away). I'm glad they did the right thing and came back to fix it, delivering it safely (with no scratches) to mum and dad's correct address.

We left there at 6pm after a good day of hard work (painting mostly). I'm glad I'd taken a packed lunch of salad because mum brought wraps but didn't have any salad to put in them, so we combined our lunches. YUMM!!

On the road home Jordan and Jese were saying they were hungry so I called into McDonald's drive through and got them dinner and you'll be proud of me ... I smelt their food and even handed it all out without putting any of it into my mouth!! 1.5hrs driving home with the smell of McD's in the car when you're tired and hungry ... that's gotta be worth a few bonus points!!! lol

Got home and cooked myself up a healthy low point dinner instead. Talk about a successful day!!!

Yesterday I spent most of it in the shop. I sat down to have my salad for lunch and the staff member I was working with gasped at how much I was eating!! lol (I had a lunchbox full of salad, with smoked salmon and dressing) She said "Are you going to eat all of that?" "yeah? It's my lunch" I said with a chuckle. She couldn't believe that was just my lunch. She said that would be all she would eat all day!! I went on to tell her about my pre ww days when I wouldn't eat hardy anything. No breakfast, no lunch and big dinner. She said yeah that is like her now. I told her I eat far more now than I ever did before ww. But it's about eating the right things ... and lots of them!! The more 0pt things we eat (within reason of course) the more our bodies have to work at burning them up, the faster our metabolism burns.

Until our conversation today I'd actually forgotten how little I used to eat. It's such a psychi of our day .... eat less to lose weight ... IT'S NOT TRUE!!!! I actually try and push the boundaries of how much 0pt food I can eat without gaining. Some nights for dinner I have 3 plates of food!!! But only 3 or 4pts for the whole thing. I'm not saying everyone should do this but for me it works. I fill up 1 dinner plate of 0pt salad with a little dressing, 1 plate of 0pt veges (either corn cob and stirfried zuchinis or something similar) and a small side plate for my meat or ww meal. I don't do this every night but probably 2 or 3 nights a week. I don't believe we should ever go hungry on ww. If you are hungry then I don't think you're making wise enough food choices. There is a difference between being hungry and wanting food tho, but that's a whole nuther journal entry!! lol

I've done a play round with my website here and now there shouldn't be any side-to-side scrolls ... please tell me if it's fixed?? If they are still there I'll have another play. I want to get this right. I know it's no major but I like to have it right.

Thanks for your imput and WOW Chris what a huge achievement!!! 61kgs lost!! I love hearing stories like that, even now that I'm at goal I still buy the ww mags and slimmer mags to see weightloss stories. I never tire of them!!! Now THAT'S inspiration ... 61kgs!!!

Lyn :)
SW 107.4kg
CW 69.0kg
WWGW 71kg
PGW 65-68kg

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