Tuesday, March 09, 2004

My Boring Life ... NOT!

Wow for a lady who stays at home with 4 kids I have a pretty interesting life! Ponder Wanna hear another saga??

You know our furniture we were getting from Farmers that still hasn't arrived? ... Waitingwell we got a call from the sales lady last night to say that 4 out of the 10 items we ordered have now been deleted and are no longer available!! Can you believe it? Steamed We ordered them over 4mths ago, paid a deposit, had them put aside on hold now they misteriously can't find them and can't supply us with them. That was the final straw for us ... we have now emailed Fair Go and see what they can do for us. EmailIt's gone beyond a joke. I'll keep you posted as to what Fair Go will do.

I had an incident a few years back with a parking ticket that wasn't mine. They were trying to make me go to court for it (to pay a fine for around $200 odd dollars) Even tho I could prove it wasn't my car they wouldn't listen to me. But after one call to Fair Go and a few hours later it was sorted. It was never used on tv but showed even their telephone calls have amazing power. Chatty I had spent weeks and weeks trying to sort it and absolutely no one would listen to me... gooo Fair Go! Hopefully they will have the same power in this incident.

My walking idea worked great yesterday. Will do it again today. Took me half an hour each way so a total of 1hrs walk and 4 bonus points. Bouncy 2

I didn't use all my points yesterday. Makes up for the extra points I used the other day.

Bill told me this morning that I feel amazing!! That he's so proud of me with all my weightloss. Blushy 2Awww he's a sweety!

Not sure if the smiley faces are too distracting or not. Thought I would make my diary a bit more fun to read. Let me know below if they're annoying or if you like them. Pulling My Hair OutIf too many people don't then I will take them off.

Should be able to get to the gym tonight. It's been over a week since I last went but Bill has been doing huge hours at work and I just haven't been able to get there. The walking has been fine but don't want to leave it too long before I get back there. Fingers Crossed Hopefully tonight.

My eating for yesterday ...

Monday 8th March

Breakfast - 2pts
Tasti cereal 1.5pts
Skim milk 0.5pt

Lunch - 2.5pts
bread 2pts
tomato 0pt
dressing 0.5pt

Snack - 0.5pts
Apple 0.5pt

Dinner - 10pts
pizza base 4.5pts
tomato paste 0pt
veges 0pt
kumera/potato 1pt
cheese 4.5pts

Snack - 2.5pts
half mars bar 2.5pts

Total Points used - 17.5pts
Allocated points - 21pts
Water - 1500mls
Exercise - 60mins walking
Bonus Points - 4pts
Total Bonus Points - 13pts
Points saved - 3.5pts
Total saved - 3.5pts

That's all from me today ... weigh in tomorrow. Feeling good about this one.
Lyn :)
SW 107.4kg
CW 76.3kg
GW 65kg

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