Thursday, March 04, 2004

"I've seen the light!" said Bill

I was standing infront of my new full length mirror last night looking and pushing in my tummy (as I'm sure we all do lol) when Bill said to me ... "Hey!! turn around!" "What??" I snapped, expecting some smart comment to come out of his mouth. "I've seen the light, no seriously I can see the light between your thighs even when they are together" LOL ... we both cracked up laughing!! But that was such a pleasant thing to know that my thighs no longer rub together (like they have done for nearly my whole life). I've noticed I no longer get chaiffing on my thighs and my clothes aren't wearing out in the legs so much now either. That's gotta be good... yay!!

I've got a surprise for you all ... okay Im no good at keeping secrets lol. I have organised for my friend (who's a Kodak Gold winning professional photographer) to do a photo shoot of me for my website so you can all see an updated pic of me. I've done it as a reward for myself. We've organised it for next week... yay can't wait! Huh? Me? can't wait to have a photo taken of myself?? wow things HAVE changed lol :)

Mowed the lawns this afternoon instead of going to the gym because Bill wanted to work late tonight. Borrowed a neighbours lawnmower as ours still hasn't arrived from Farmers yet. Only got two thirds done before I ran out of petrol but took me an hour to do that much. It was so long that I could only do 1.5 strips before I had to empty the catcher. At least the front and half the back looks good now and I got to earn myself some bonus points.

Eating for today ...

Thursday 4th March

Breakfast - 2pts
Tasti cereal 1.5pts
Skim milk 0.5pt

Snack - 0.5pt
Apple 0.5pt

Lunch - 2.5pts
bread 2pts
cucumber, tomato, lettuce 0pt
dressing 0.5pt

Snack - 2 pt
rice wheels 2pt

Dinner - 9.5pts
steak 3pts
potato 2pts
baked beans 2.5pts
sour cream 1.5pt
lettuce salad 0pt
dressing 0.5pt

Snack - 4.5pts
guilt free icecream 180g 4.5pts

Total Points used - 21pts
Allocated points - 21pts
Water - 1000mls
Exercise - mowing lawns 1hr
Bonus Points - 3.5pts
Total Bonus Points - 3.5pts
Points saved - 0pts
Total saved - 0pts

Think I did well with my eating today. I've decided to give the Wendie plan a try and see how it goes. Here's my point allowance for the week (I'm normally on 20pts per day)

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