Saturday, December 06, 2003

It's over ... I've had enough

I did a big entry last night telling you all about the wonderful two days we spent away in Auckland. It was fantastic!! Then just as I was finishing my computer crashed and I lost the lot. Then when I tried to reboot I couldnt. My computer has totally lost it again. I am currently on my brothers computer to update you guys on whats happening but doesnt look like my computer will be up again anytime soon. I have to take it back to Auckland on Monday to see what they can do. I am so tired of computer problems. I've decided I can't take the stress of the business anymore and have chosen to close it down. It has been a huge struggle for me to come to this decision. I've spent the last 5 yrs building it up to where it is now. And it has the reputation within the wedding industry now of being the best there is. I have been recommended to clients from the top NZ dress designers and photographers. It's a huge saddness to actually close it down because not only has it been my pride and joy for the last 5yrs but has given us the financial ability to have this computer. But it has gone beyond what I wanted for the family. I am continually stressed about it and my family and homelife is suffering because of it.

We are not in the position where we need the business now. We can quite easily survive on Bill's income alone and I want to be just a mum for a while (while the kids are still young). I'm really burnt out and need a break.

I still have plans on creative things I want to do in the near future but for now it's a close of an era... a sad time for me but it has to be done.

The computer hassles have been the final straw for me. Don't worry I'm not disapearing and will continue my weightloss site as normal. I couldnt be without u guys :) Just not coping very well at the moment... trying hard not to comfort eat.

Might not be able to update again till after my computer is fixed whenever that is. I just want to chuck it out the window at the moment.

Ahhh well such is life. Off to check out the other journalers sites hopefully that will inspire me to cheer up.

Lyn :)
SW 107.4kg
CW 79.8kg
GW 65kg

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